The Data Tree

106 ratings
rated 4.3 stars, 106 ratings.
Posted December 13, 2023. Updated December 14, 2023. Played 2990 times for a total of 1945 hours.
A TMT mod about data
Posted December 13, 2023. Updated December 14, 2023. Played 2990 times for a total of 1945 hours.
A TMT mod about data
newest comments
i love 🆎
gg 48 and a half minutes pretty fun but some parts take way longer than others and the megabyte layer is pretty lazy but good game wish i get more exotic points i had to wait a long time for 10
reset my data 2 times and didnt mean to and beat the game twice xd love this game so much
tf is 🆎
This isnt a 0 player game
top comments
why tf is 1 kilobyte equal to 2500000000000000000000000000 bytes???
wait why isnt it the engame if its called endgame
Why is KB locked behind 2.5e29 bytes and not 1024?
developer response: bad balancing decisions when i first made the tree
whats the end game? is it 1st exotic byte upgrade
developer response: endgame is always in changelog