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The Data Tree

developed by noth4re counter
rated 4.4 stars, 87 ratings
rated 4.4 stars, 87 ratings

Posted December 13, 2023. Updated December 14, 2023. Played 2174 times for a total of 1457 hours.


A TMT mod about data

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newest comments

ashton July 5, 2024
+1comment score: 1

whens updatee?

creyol June 24, 2024
+1comment score: 1

so you're telling me that one megabyte is 2.5e29 kilobytes too?

unicodes counter June 19, 2024
+1comment score: 1

upgrade code:
21: { title: "somewhat generic upgrade", description: "Unlock <b>unlocks</b> and multiply byte gain by 3 (requires 40 bytes to buy)", cost: D(0), style: { "height": "120px", "width": "120px", "border-top-left-radius": "0px", "border-top-right-radius": "0px", "border-bottom-left-radius": "25%", "border-bottom-right-radius": "0px", }, canAfford() {return player.b.points.gte(40)}, },

unicodes counter June 19, 2024
+1comment score: 1

oh my why didn't you just use Decimal(40) for it instead of using canAfford()

unicodes counter June 19, 2024
+1comment score: 1

what the f*ck did you do for the 6th upgrade of bytes to have 0 bytes of cost, did you abuse the pay() thing?

top comments

Goofy_Goober December 24, 2023
+13comment score: 13

why tf is 1 kilobyte equal to 2500000000000000000000000000 bytes???

lorx December 14, 2023
+7comment score: 7

wait why isnt it the engame if its called endgame

unicodes counter January 21, 2024
+7comment score: 7

Why is KB locked behind 2.5e29 bytes and not 1024?

developer response: bad balancing decisions when i first made the tree

Icecreamdude tester December 14, 2023
+7comment score: 7


skylertheasended December 14, 2023
+5comment score: 5

whats the end game? is it 1st exotic byte upgrade

developer response: endgame is always in changelog

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