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Celestial Incremental


developed by

developed by Icecreamdude tester



198 ratings

rated 4.1 stars, 198 ratings.

Posted October 5, 2024. Updated January 29, 2025. Played 31494 times for a total of 84612 hours.


Note from Dev: I've been working on this game since February, and I've tried to ensure the quality as much as I can, yes, this is still made with The Modding Tree, but I've pushed the boundaries and added things that were never added to any modding tree game before. I've learned from my mistakes in previous games, and I've added many new things, like a toggle for buy max, a volume slider, and many more additions. Hope you guys enjoy this game, as it might be my greatest work.



-Game by Icecreamdude.
-Music by !Sweet.
-Ideas and Balancing by Novasent.
-Art by Jtoh_Sc.
-Testing by Novasent and Piterpicher.

latest update

v1.4 - The Singularity Update Part I: Cores v1.4 January 29, 2025


  • Added Singularity, the next large prestige layer.
  • Added Singularity Cores. (The Core Assember, and the Core Processor)
  • Added Radiation.
  • Added Singularity Dimensions.
  • Added Core Scraps.
  • Added Realm Essence.
  • Added the Factory.
  • Added a new celestial: Jocus, the Celestial of Fun.
  • Added two new pet evolutions.
  • Added pet crate automation.
  • Added a buncha new lore. (check out the lore tabs)
  • Added some new music.
  • Added ???. (new universe?)
    Balancing: Changes to pet shop prices, XPBoost, and Realm Mods.
    Bugfixes: I lost track again lmao
    QoL: I lost track again lmao
view all updates

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newest comments

kotenok2000 February 6, 2025
+1comment score: 1

Export to clipboard is broken.
Save string is cut off at 99999 characters.

csharporbflat February 4, 2025
+1comment score: 1

BUG:: Challenge V is uncompleteable, I tried 2x already and got the goal but it will not complete it, it just resets everything and you have to start all over, it doesn't count as completed.

stel346 February 4, 2025
+2comment score: 2

This game has really improved a lot since I first played it, it's up there with some of the best currently. One thought I had though was it might be good to signpost what people should be aiming for. For example right now I'm at Rocket Fuel and I have all the upgrades for it, so I'm really not sure what my goal is. Should I focus on getting more pets? Trying to reach e300 in infinity? (seems impossible right now) Or should I just be leaving the game running till I get another big crunch? All the different content is great and keeps the game interesting, but if there were clear goals displayed somewhere to make progress that would be really useful. Something like a quest log feels like it would fit the themes of the game so far.

motylo February 4, 2025
+1comment score: 1

Mobile error on Grass. There is no back button.

OMEGA1934 February 3, 2025
+1comment score: 1

mfs be allergic to fun, I swear

top comments

auratummyache November 3, 2024
+45comment score: 45

I liked playing it for a day or two, but the Check Back portion is horrible. Right now all I can do is repeatedly click the same buttons for hours until I level up enough to complete the next challenge. Navigation is also a complete mess, a sidebar with quick access to different portions would be a lot more effective than the dozens of different tabs and buttons that all go to different places.

-WU35Xby9gjvBN- October 5, 2024
+39comment score: 39

Removed Herobrine.


plasma4 countest October 6, 2024
+25comment score: 25

To be honest, earlygame feels like IMR but with extra steps and a reskinned UI. I understand that it's a design choice, but it was almost unbearable without player.devSpeed set to 10, and resetting honestly made me feel miserable when I realized that all my tetrs vanished!

(However, the music is really good! What software does !Sweet use?)

So, here are my suggestions:
- please add a "button roundness" option (some people like squarey buttons, but personally i am a round-corner person and i think that would allows some cool customization)
- I kind of understand the one-tab only mode, but I feel like it would be better if there was almost a "mini tree" at the top, so above the return button there would be a mini form of the tree with small buttons, which would make navigating easier.
- maybe just make earlygame faster? i see a lot of features in the changelog but i just can't get to them since the earlygame is so grindy, which is a huge shame
- more themes! i like themes; maybe one for every new feature you unlock?
- pleeeeeeaaaaaasssseeeeee make ranks (or even tiers) not reset stuff earlier, like i mean before-you-get-your-fourth-prestige-point early (i don't know when or if it unlocks)
- maybe like, hide the changelog with a show button in the actual game or something? i feel like it's a little silly to have all those spoiler tags in your update section and then not have anything hiding the changelog in settings (or remove them entirely, since tbh all those features just made me more interested)

i'm sure this game has many features, but i feel like so many of them are unlocked by the near-brutal timewall that i'll never be able to see them.

developer response: alright! ill take notes, but not sure how much faster you want the game to be

eyerhymes October 28, 2024
+18comment score: 18

This game is really highly rated and seems to be well loved, so I keep coming back to it and trying it, but I can never tell where I am in the game, where I'm going, what my goals are. Everything is separated by multiple tabs with no overview or at-a-glance view that I can find. I don't know which tabs are ready to progress, are important to work on next, are having a large effect on overall performance. I'm just blindly clicking through things and I guess I'm supposed to build a mental map of the game's architecture (which I assume will continue to get more and more complex). The game's balance and mechanics might be really interesting, but to me it's just a black box.

SinisterSinnner October 7, 2024
+17comment score: 17

What a fantastic integration of multiple idle games. That said it seems grass doesn't grow if you are in the grass section then leave it to idle. Or if you are in the grass or gold grass then only that one grows but not the other. If you are in the buyables, upgrade etc. section of grass then neither grow. Now if you idle in another section then both grow.

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