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Fundamental, 4.3 stars, 756 favorites, 467389 play hours my very good tree, 3.9 stars, 80 favorites, 5309 play hours Calculator Evolution, 4.5 stars, 984 favorites, 128689 play hours Loot Clicker, 3.9 stars, 32 favorites, 4071 play hours The Dynas Tree, 4.2 stars, 48 favorites, 6835 play hours The Prestreestuck, 4.3 stars, 204 favorites, 36496 play hours Shark Game: New Frontiers, 4.6 stars, 580 favorites, 39038 play hours Incremental God Tree, 4.3 stars, 308 favorites, 46457 play hours Le Stupid Tree Game (TMT Mod), 4 stars, 10 favorites, 920 play hours Progress Bar: The Game, 3.5 stars, 47 favorites, 2080 play hours Yet Another Challenge Tree: Adventure, 4.2 stars, 28 favorites, 1202 play hours Abstract Tree, 3.2 stars, 51 favorites, 2869 play hours Coop Co, 4 stars, 151 favorites, 14331 play hours Commit Murder On Walls, 2.5 stars, 17 favorites, 140 play hours Tuba's Tree, 4.2 stars, 75 favorites, 10024 play hours Plague Tree (Vorona Cirus Treesease), 3.7 stars, 184 favorites, 97621 play hours Ultimate Incremental, 4 stars, 49 favorites, 2100 play hours Card Game Classic [ABANDONED], 1.8 stars, 3 favorites, 131 play hours DodecaDragons, 4.6 stars, 968 favorites, 200673 play hours Idle Loops: Squirrel Edition, 4.4 stars, 70 favorites, 7279 play hours The Ascension Tree, 4 stars, 69 favorites, 2077 play hours Incremental Game Jam Game, 4.2 stars, 40 favorites, 1138 play hours Ordinal Pringles, 4.3 stars, 138 favorites, 22336 play hours Planar Pioneers, 4.1 stars, 132 favorites, 3317 play hours The Bulletin Board, 3.6 stars, 38 favorites, 705 play hours The Plant Tree, 4.3 stars, 290 favorites, 52908 play hours The Tree of Secrets, 2.6 stars, 7 favorites, 104 play hours Really Grass Cutting Incremental, 4.1 stars, 318 favorites, 49128 play hours this crazy idea, 4 stars, 64 favorites, 965 play hours Algebraic Progression, 4.4 stars, 201 favorites, 33200 play hours Module Incremental, 2.8 stars, 28 favorites, 1315 play hours The Communitree!, 4.5 stars, 287 favorites, 75679 play hours I want to play this game, 3 stars, 35 favorites, 289 play hours Towers of Googology, 3.4 stars, 68 favorites, 2591 play hours Absolute Button Simulator 2, 4.1 stars, 103 favorites, 4496 play hours CLEANSED, 4.5 stars, 357 favorites, 10760 play hours Le Boring Tree (TMT mod), 3.5 stars, 27 favorites, 3041 play hours Tree Game Rewritten, 4.2 stars, 137 favorites, 4690 play hours Incrementreeverse, 4 stars, 72 favorites, 23558 play hours Factory Incremental, 3.7 stars, 20 favorites, 1092 play hours The First Alkahistorian, 4.5 stars, 197 favorites, 9833 play hours Pipegame, 4.1 stars, 119 favorites, 3188 play hours Immortality Idle, 4.2 stars, 147 favorites, 14172 play hours Black Hole Shrinker, 3.6 stars, 51 favorites, 1627 play hours Array Game, 4.4 stars, 234 favorites, 45349 play hours Advent Incremental, 4.5 stars, 90 favorites, 12086 play hours The Game Dev Tree, 4.5 stars, 87 favorites, 6691 play hours Endless Stairwell, 4.2 stars, 109 favorites, 3185 play hours just a platformer, 4 stars, 66 favorites, 2372 play hours finish a despacit mod simulator, 3.7 stars, 16 favorites, 422 play hours