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Riceball Incremental

developed by jman gamedev
rated 2.5 stars, 24 ratings.
rated 2.5 stars, 24 ratings.

Posted May 12, 2023. Updated May 12, 2023. Played 176 times for a total of 51 hours.


it doesnt save btw, and i am unmotivated to update.

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newest comments

walnut_supremacy August 2, 2024
+2comment score: 2

what is bryson smoking no offense

Bry6son April 28, 2024
+3comment score: 3

31. Add a pi multiplier on riceballs. The reason why I wanted this is this is the 31st suggestion. Also add a Rarity Generator that gives a boost for everything. There should also be a clicker but it costs rice and it boosts rice. There should also be a cooking system. That gives a food and rice boost.
32. Add an aim system and it gives a certain boost for 5 mins. Also add a game maker that gives Likes. Likes can make Happiness. Happiness can make Fun. Fun can make a rice boost. To make games, you need to sell rice, for cash, then buy a Computer.
33. Also add a ID system. ID(s) can give a boost on how rare they are so like 1 isn't rare but 1,000,000,000 is very rare! Just to let you know, I favorited this the 2nd one to favorite it. Add energy which gives a very small boost of +0.000000001x every 10 energy.
34. There should be a Secret Rice that can be found anywhere but it is hidden and every time you click it, it moves and every time you click the Secret Rice. You get 10x Of Rice in that Dimension FOREVER! And no, I Don't mean +10x, 10x so like 2 times is 100x.
35. I might stop this.

Bry6son April 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Bry6son April 26, 2024
+5comment score: 5

21. Add lengths, These are all the Lengths. Centimeters, Inches, Feet, Meter, Miles, Kilometers, Megameters. That's all I remember. Add Skeletons that give a boost for Bones. Bones can give a boost of Kills. Bones can also give Money. Dinosaurs can give Bones. Dino bones can give Money. Money can give Happiness. Homeless people can get Happiness,
22. Add a stat that shows "Homeless people given Money: <amount of homeless people that got money>." Metal can be gotten from Subscribers. Metal can be made for Shops. And Houses. Houses give Strength. Strength can give a Farther Throw. Throwing is important because you can throw an axe for hostile monsters and bosses. TNT can be used for Bosses and can Kill the bosses.
23. Lengths can be useful for Speed, Speed can be used for timing, timing can be used for youtube videos and typing. But Timing isnt that important, it just gives speed and aim, but Aim is kinda "aimportant" did I get you with my joke ok now let me stop playing right now.
24. Toys can be gotten from Wood but it needs to be Carved, To get it carved you need a Saw. To get a saw you need 125 Wood and 50 Metal. You can make a Sawer from 1 People, and 1 Saw.
25. Blood can be gotten from Bosses. Blood can give a percentage of Stew.
26. Bones can be chopped for Broken bones, Those can give a multiplier for Bones.
27. Guess what it is.
28. Add leaves for a Bush multiplier. Bushes can be used for nice-lookingness Sound can be used for Deafnessmeter. This is how you get it. wait is this real??!!!!
29. Streaming gives money slowly but tons of subscribers every second.

Bry6son April 26, 2024
0comment score: 0

10. There should be a game maker that gives MORE money. That upgrade should be in a prestige upgrade. Add a GViewer which isnt a yt viewer, Its a game viewer. They might donate so you get money. Add wood and fire and sticks. You can chop wood to make sticks. 10 Sticks and 50 Heat can make a campfire, multiplying heat by 2. Add a "food" upgrade and food. Food can make shops but it costs 2,000 metal. (and 1,000 food and 300 toys) Shops can make way more money and can multiply money.
11. Add pets and they can make pet fun. Pet fun can increase fun by +1.5x. Fun can increase Games by 1.75x. Add sites where people can read on it. The more sites, the more IQ you get. IQ gives +30x riceballs. To multiply IQ, you need braincells, And no, not the ones we have in real life, in the game. Every certain amount or braincells gives 1 to +20 IQ.
12. Add videos that can give more money. But the videos are on tiktok. Not on Youtube where it has subscribers. Add followers that are on Tiktok. Followers give money and a click boost. Add phones that can multiply followers and subscribers and videos. Phones can increase accounts. increasing more subscribers and videos.
13. Add School upgrades and Schools. Schools can increase IQ and Speed. Speed can give cooking speed. Cooking can give Meat. Meat can give a Power to rice like this ^. A Power can get Powers by a Emerald rice upgrade. Emerald rice can be gotten by a certain amount of Diamond rice. So something like this. ^<number>^<number>.
14. Kids can add Fun. Fun can add Jumppower. Jumppower can make Height. Enough Height and Jumppower can make Gravity. Gravity can make a Power to Prestige riceballs. so like this. (to prestige). ^<number>x<emeraldriceballs>. Every emerald riceball can multiply the number of the power of prestige riceballs. Add Wheat and Bread. Wheat and Bread can make a Burger. But you need Meat for a Burger. Meat can make a burger, or get eaten for a permanent boost. of maximum of +10x rice.
15. I dont know if you have this. But make infinity be dead, which means like no infinity. No Limit. Add Planets that can cost 1T$ to 1Sp$ Add universes that cost 3Sp$ to 12TVg$ Add galaxies which an cost to $1SpVg to $1sg. Add favorites that give a like boost. Likes can be useful for other things like Wood and Food.
16. Add a pudding that can be useful for Likes and Favorites and Food and Wood. Pudding can be gotten from 20K food. Add races. Races can give rewards. Add people which you are eating the rice from. People can add a multiplier of Fun and Wood. Add axes which can be gotten for wood faster. Add health for people. Health for people can be multiplied by a stew. Stew can be made by Water and Emerald riceballs.
17. Add Gold (not gold rice or gold riceballs) Gold can multiply gold riceballs and Gold. Add a Kills upgrade and Kills. Kills can be gotten from Bosses' Death. Kills can be automatic by People and their Axes. Axes can do Crits. Crits do 5x the Damage.
18. Add Water. Water can be made by Cactus. Cactus can give water by getting cracked. Cactus can also give a boost for Clicks. Clicks can also be boosted by Clicks but it gets better by a certain upgrade. The upgrade in in Ascension rice. Ascensions are the 2nd version of Sacrifice. Every time it gets upgraded by the Upgrade, It is better for clicks like those trees that say "<Thing> gets boosted by <Same thing>".
19. Make a Power get Powered by a Power so something like this. ^<num>^<num>^<num>.
20. Add a comments from Tiktok and Youtube. Those give a Power to Subscribers and Likes. I might be done but there might be more.

top comments

downvoid tester May 15, 2023
+17comment score: 17

suggestion: add saving

song May 12, 2023
+6comment score: 6

best game ever

Bry6son April 26, 2024
+5comment score: 5

21. Add lengths, These are all the Lengths. Centimeters, Inches, Feet, Meter, Miles, Kilometers, Megameters. That's all I remember. Add Skeletons that give a boost for Bones. Bones can give a boost of Kills. Bones can also give Money. Dinosaurs can give Bones. Dino bones can give Money. Money can give Happiness. Homeless people can get Happiness,
22. Add a stat that shows "Homeless people given Money: <amount of homeless people that got money>." Metal can be gotten from Subscribers. Metal can be made for Shops. And Houses. Houses give Strength. Strength can give a Farther Throw. Throwing is important because you can throw an axe for hostile monsters and bosses. TNT can be used for Bosses and can Kill the bosses.
23. Lengths can be useful for Speed, Speed can be used for timing, timing can be used for youtube videos and typing. But Timing isnt that important, it just gives speed and aim, but Aim is kinda "aimportant" did I get you with my joke ok now let me stop playing right now.
24. Toys can be gotten from Wood but it needs to be Carved, To get it carved you need a Saw. To get a saw you need 125 Wood and 50 Metal. You can make a Sawer from 1 People, and 1 Saw.
25. Blood can be gotten from Bosses. Blood can give a percentage of Stew.
26. Bones can be chopped for Broken bones, Those can give a multiplier for Bones.
27. Guess what it is.
28. Add leaves for a Bush multiplier. Bushes can be used for nice-lookingness Sound can be used for Deafnessmeter. This is how you get it. wait is this real??!!!!
29. Streaming gives money slowly but tons of subscribers every second.

420 June 5, 2023
+4comment score: 4

It's better than $idle and that's enough to stay on this site ig

CoolRadGamer countest May 13, 2023
+3comment score: 3


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