
Posted August 17, 2024. Updated August 18, 2024. Played 2080 times for a total of 1104 hours.
An incremental game where you should collect apples.
latest update
August 19, 2024
- Upgrade 5 effect scaling: 1.1 → 1.5.
- Upgrade 5 start cost: 100,000 → 10,000.
- Upgrade 2 effect scaling: 1.2 → 1.16.
- Level requirement scaling: 4 → 3.85.
- Levels now require total apples.
- Changed tier effect.
- New tier effect at tier 3.
newest comments
for some reason, i wasn't able to click the second upgrade.
i was expecting you to to be able to click them
gci but apple
Neat-ish game. Starts to pick up after a while after a few upgrades since it's all multiplicative. It's a real shame though that the tier scaling falls off so hard after tier 3. You're getting way less apples before you undergo tier and you might as well not tier at all. Made it to tier 5 and saw that I was 2500 apples away from the next level up and 1.5x upgrade as well as moving incredibly slowly with the size miniscule. Would be a good place to put a new mechanic at tier 4 or tier 5 or to just lower or remove the tier bonus fall off even if it causes infinite inflation.
You should make the play area smaller so it doesn't need scroll bars to view the entire game.
top comments
The progression of this game feels exponentially worse as you play. Every upgrade feels like it gives you a small boost in exchange for a big time wall, and you have to be constantly moving to take full advantage of these small boosts.
I'm currently Level 4 (16 apples per collection), the cheapest upgrade costs 1,951 apples, the most expensive costs 12,500 apples. Unless there is a new feature I'm literally just about to unlock, I fail to see any point in continuing to spend longer and longer holding down different combinations of WASD to chase more of the same four upgrades.
1. diagonal movement is faster than moving in one direction, doesn't necessarily have to be fixed
2. the first apple cap upgrade doesn't do anything :( not rounded up?
Tristan is 100% correct. This is basically Grass Cutting Incremental but worse, at least in it's current state. I've noticed that certain people here on Galaxy seem to get downvoted for valid opinions they have even when other people have the exact same opinion. It's like people are using the likes/dislikes for personal vendetta and grudges instead of to actually downvoting misinformation and bad faith comments. I've noticed people, like Tristan get like one or two downvotes near consistently no matter what they post here. Seems like somebody maybe purposely following certain people around just to downvote spam someone they didn't like. Kind of reddit like behavior if you ask me. Probably gonna get downvoted to oblivion for pointing this hard truth out, but if this is gonna be the reddit of incremental game sites, where we are gonna brigade, and be forced to either be insulting critical of a game or basically licking the creators boots with no middle ground, then so be it. Downvote me to the shadow realm, you'll only be proving my point.
I was a little disappointed that the character didn't wrap around the edges to the other side of the area.
GCI Browser used the mouse for player movement; this would be easier