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Settlement Idle [concept]

developed by Rolls
rated 2.6 stars, 17 ratings
rated 2.6 stars, 17 ratings

Posted August 15, 2024. Updated August 18, 2024. Played 537 times for a total of 145 hours.


A city-building idle game with simple visuals over an infinite landscape.

Just a little prototype, please let me know if you think the concept is worth furthering. There's currently only around 20 minutes of content, but I've got plenty of ideas of where it might go in the future.

If you get stuck, there are helpful error messages printed to console. Just right click the game, click inspect, then click the console tab.

Game Mechanics

Settling - spend gold to create a new settlement around which you can claim tiles.
Claiming - claim any tile adjacent to another claim or settlement to gain it's yields
Food - used for claiming new tiles, the cost doubles with each claim and resets with each new settlement. Tiles yielding food produce every second.
Production - can be used to multiply a settlement's food yield or increase its claim range.
Gold - required to claim some new tiles and found new settlements. One-off amounts are produced by claiming certain tiles like sand and ocean.
Dockyards - can be built on claimed sand tiles to allow you to claim ocean tiles further out from the shore. 

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newest comments

keybounce September 5, 2024
+1comment score: 1

also, I cannot figure out how to read the mesages on console. Can you please provide a "do this, then do this" set of instructions? Using Chromium.

keybounce September 5, 2024
+1comment score: 1

At the moment it is too easy to get locked out of any progress (needing gold, and not having it).

Also, my first start gave me an all water screen, not a good idea.

Maplefrog7 September 3, 2024
+1comment score: 1

good concept needs development

speedmaster24 countest September 2, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I managed to get 8 settlements and a crap ton of claimed land prob could of gotten further but I didn’t want to grind much

unicodes gamedev August 28, 2024
+1comment score: 1

there's no game
in this game

top comments

Endovior August 18, 2024
+9comment score: 9

Looks neat, but it badly needs instructions. It's unclear what productivity does, for instance. The system of claim costs doubling until being reset by a new settlement makes it feel optimal to grind out the full range of claims before resettling, but that's unfun.

Zuleahbh August 19, 2024
+6comment score: 6

Might be good to say its a proof of concept in the title. Seems like it has potential though. Might want to make it so you can see more tiles at a time though

az00 gamedev August 19, 2024
+3comment score: 3

no gameplay, just a couple of base mechanics...

lingluo August 19, 2024
+2comment score: 2

This prototype looks promising. The system of claim costs doubling until reset certainly needs a rework. Also currently if I don't reserve enough gold for a new settlement I could end up with a softlock, it also needs a fix.

steve2116 countest August 22, 2024
+1comment score: 1

A good game, but not much, if any, content

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