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The multiplier tree

developed by Galactic999
rated 3.5 stars, 47 ratings
rated 3.5 stars, 47 ratings

Posted December 1, 2023. Updated December 4, 2023. Played 1557 times for a total of 2530 hours.




  1. Added Multipliers
  2. Added Rebirths
  3. Added Super Multi
  4. Added Exponent

latest update

The Stat Update 0.11 December 4, 2023

+ Added Experience
+ Added Stats

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newest comments

Funnyman69420 July 9, 2024
+1comment score: 1

"expirence" XD

unicodes counter July 3, 2024
+1comment score: 1

points = log10(score)
score = log10(mult)

EnderSand2486 June 27, 2024
+1comment score: 1

btw i think score is ur exponent

EnderSand2486 June 25, 2024
+1comment score: 1

@unicodes ty

unicodes counter June 18, 2024
0comment score: 0

look at the 2nd rebirth milestone: "Autobuy multipler upgrades"
see anything... wrong?

top comments

Termt December 4, 2023
+23comment score: 23

Last I checked 1e10 IS 10 billion, but the super multi milestone demands more.

zerver December 4, 2023
+16comment score: 16

erm something e10000 isn't ee10000, idk why the formatting does that, but that's completely wrong

new42ur3jeans countest December 4, 2023
+12comment score: 12

This TMT reminds me of Roblox Button Simulators so much. Multipliers is the perfect mix between idling and active grinding, at least to me

Lustre December 5, 2023
+7comment score: 7

Lots of refining needed. No clue what's doing what and for how much. Is rebirth giving a boost to something? Is super multi giving a boost to something? How much? What?

developer response: Rebirth boost multiplier
Super multi boost multiplier and rebirths

lingluo December 5, 2023
+6comment score: 6

The first exp milestone makes no sense, it doesn't improve anything. I think the first two exp milestone should be swapped.

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