The multiplier tree
developed by Galactic999 gamedev | rated 3.4 stars, 53 ratings.
53 ratings
rated 3.4 stars, 53 ratings.
Posted December 1, 2023. Updated December 4, 2023. Played 2243 times for a total of 2927 hours.
- Added Multipliers
- Added Rebirths
- Added Super Multi
- Added Exponent
latest update
The Stat Update 0.11 December 4, 2023
+ Added Experience
+ Added Stats
newest comments
Fix this game please- for the love of god.
@zerver i think its a tmt thing
bro my save got wiped again lol
i just noticed theres a discord button but its just the defaults (he probably was too lazy to delete it or didnt want to accidentally break the code)
play one tree you’ve played them all
top comments
Last I checked 1e10 IS 10 billion, but the super multi milestone demands more.
erm something e10000 isn't ee10000, idk why the formatting does that, but that's completely wrong
This TMT reminds me of Roblox Button Simulators so much. Multipliers is the perfect mix between idling and active grinding, at least to me
The first exp milestone makes no sense, it doesn't improve anything. I think the first two exp milestone should be swapped.
Lots of refining needed. No clue what's doing what and for how much. Is rebirth giving a boost to something? Is super multi giving a boost to something? How much? What?
developer response: Rebirth boost multiplier
Super multi boost multiplier and rebirths