Ultimate Incremental

50 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 50 ratings.
Posted May 14, 2023. Updated May 14, 2023. Played 1972 times for a total of 1966 hours.
My first non-TMT incremental game developed by a ton of people.
Will never get any new updates and has a very, very small chance of getting remade in the future.
newest comments
setting style to gapples or true dark makes all text invisible, and it is a pain to set it back again.
@unicodes 12.63/s is when you enter the "Gain Power", it gives you an x2 point boost when you unlock power i think
You have 0.00 power (12.63/s).
This is boosting your points by 2.00x.
"An incremental that will reach ExpantaNum's limit."
meanwhile endgame 1e715
UX is really annoying because I have to switch menus and submenus so often. If I could keep everything on the same page is would be really great.
top comments
I'm really enjoying it. UI is a bit convoluted and could be refined, but otherwise I'm enjoying the mechanics and the game in general. Thanks!
UX is really annoying because I have to switch menus and submenus so often. If I could keep everything on the same page is would be really great.
if an incremental game has courier, its a good incremental game.
You have 0.00 power (12.63/s).
This is boosting your points by 2.00x.
"An incremental that will reach ExpantaNum's limit."
meanwhile endgame 1e715