Rock Always Wins Idle

73 ratings
Posted November 17, 2024. Updated December 4, 2024. Played 6310 times for a total of 8450 hours.
Welcome to Rock Always Wins Idle. This is an idle game of Paper, Scissor, Rock (or Rock, Paper, Scissor if you really must).
The objective of this game is to earn points by winning games of Paper, Scissor, Rock. Use points to speed up the game, earn more points per win, and so on. The objective is to win! WIN! WIN!
In case you didn't know: at the end of the day, ROCK ALWAYS WINS!
This game is still in early development, so only the first level is properly balanced. The first prestige is still in rough shape and cannot be completed yet. Wells, well, are not well.
latest update
Rock Always Wins - Lizards and Spocks! 0.2.0 December 4, 2024
Hey folks! There is a new release out in the wild that adds a major revamp of the games balancing and adds a bunch of new features. This contains a bunch of small breaking changes that were unavoidable. I would suggest starting a new game, but it's up to you!
This update includes a "complete game" up to the end of the 5th game option (spock). Balancing still needs some work, but I think it's in a decent spot. Enjoy!
Also, join my discord for more interactive feedback and discussion (this is a shared discord from an earlier game).
See the full patch notes below:
- Wells have been removed. Oh well.
Prestige 1 & 2 game options changed to Big bang rules (Paper, Scissor, Rock, Lizard, Spock).
Prestige 1 & 2 upgrades added (Lizard/Spock).
Added the ability to customize selection of game options.
Tweaks -
Rebalancing of costs/values of most upgrades.
Mulligans are not consumed if you do not have an active streak.
Ties extending streak are now multiple upgrades increasing the percent base streak increment earned.
Added game rules in settings menu. Displays W/L/T between game options.
Upgrades now spill over sideways when page is large enough.
Clarified win streak multiplier upgrade is cumulative in tooltip/text.
Stats are hidden if not unlocked via prestige.
Added points per second stat.
Bug Fixes
Fixed W/L/T was tagged incorrectly.
Fixed stats tripometer.
Fixed bug where selected option would change to rock for no apparent reason.
newest comments
why does rock have a white background on it
responding to fireboy
i thought it was a bug aswell but i realized streak and mulligan is shared between all of the selections
it just goes in order from top to bottom so the one on the bottom is the latest selection
found a bug with mulls
if you have multiple choices and mulls
when you lose a game (exc 1=win (2mulls) 2=lose(2mulls) 3=win(2mulls)) all of the games that are below it also "lose" (prev exc becomes 1=(2mulls left) 2=(1mulls left) 3=(1mulls left) even if you won there
making you lose your mulls or if you dont have any you lose your streak
the numbers in the exc are the games that are played
1 win rock scissor
2 lose paper vs scissor
3 win paper rock
What happened to the comment about the spiderman batman wizard Glock update?
I forgot to say this earlier but once you get Lizard points, the numbers will be slightly out of line with the rest (I wish we could show Screenhots but oh well). Same with Spocks
top comments
Title is wrong; I played rock and lost.
developer response: You might have to play it a few more times. Keep trying!
PLEASE make the game still run while the tab isnt focused, this game isnt active enough for me to always have open.
Fun little game so far! My only gripe is that when I have a streak of zero, I still lose a mulligan on a loss. A fun way to fix this would be a "smart mulligan" upgrade. If I could enter a number, and it would reset instead of using the mulligan, I would end any bad luck runs early in the early game when it matters the most.
developer response: I also disliked the mulligan loss on a 0 streak. This will be fixed in the next release!
the win/ties/losses display seems to have the numbers of ties and losses swapped around ^^
developer response: Yeah, I mixed this one up. A fix is queued up for next release. Thanks for reporting!
Very interesting idea for a game
developer response: Hope you enjoyed it! More to come.