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The Longest Incremental 2

developed by circle-gon contributor
rated 4.1 stars, 35 ratings
rated 4.1 stars, 35 ratings

Posted May 22, 2023. Updated May 22, 2023. Played 742 times for a total of 959 hours.


Probably an actual sequel to The Longest Incremental this time, made by (mostly) the same group of people who made TLI 1, abandoned for reasons similar to TLI.

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jklw10 July 4, 2024
+1comment score: 1

You're telling me playing an idle game through without guide in only 2 days is nolife:ing it? Buddy i got news, but definitely no life by this definition.

personerman May 13, 2024
+1comment score: 1

i love mining

unicodes gamedev April 23, 2024
+1comment score: 1

(The Longest Incremental)² = The Longestest Incremental

Jamowamo15 March 21, 2024
+2comment score: 2

My save:ᯡ࡙䀼⁼偷ӣ〫瀭Фᠶ怷ౠ໠ᆠᴠ຃ذƠ㌠嘡ᰡ堢㌳▦⏂k[Ws⃼Ėn¾摁契⍠۰׳盤ᩚ⁓䅮㹸ႣᎧ砦᪨F氻偭䐦ỉޖ㯄ଵ烧ߊအᭁ㕑ʐ䰠චᡲ⥅ਬ䠣崤ご౅⃆ৰ䩦掀ン䢈L♦୙ප崇怤㩧┄੒儣ঠ᥿䔶᜖䂡梸ᒼ扚Å֮䋡ᣉ㢠¥劲䄠ៈ䂨婪Ἵㅰ䧇ԓ‘ɨ₀婤摈㊷㦫Ԅ橿ἰ㑢஠Ò㪷暴⫊⪴ʪヒ⎠㔋尻ظ⒳碏㧠͖䔢఻⁧䵞兔☐ႈ秎െ挔㠱ጦ⋂䃚భϡ၄ዖ䉠墜᰷ቱ儺ᙨ䊚㻆ᶪ䖑ǞᆤᎩ剦洠勉㐭ᘯ瘉⢜拨⏹䪇ሧ⊙廃䆢抑濐巔Ⴘ稽ݠ焾♕ۢ䰩⊆ɮ珅兕ሡЅȣᄆ⬁啴凪獅ၟႋ損熓凫㩝㪗哩⫹Ě吸Ⴖᗚ樼ଭိ੠㵈助Ɫ㇨爴敒ぃ䝤囉䬅㣲匫窳ដげ暥崕㔌䩽ᤍ჏䞝噲ᠼ毙ჾ偊癥း卺䟵ȇ優㞹ᛸ犸侣参⧹朇؏㝽㮅瞀瘏⼳⸊Ꮨ揇ㄐ叽垳童竜⬹ሟ囿忕㹱箆烴⡚Ꮽ竚甭Ģ࿱实更㪾盪㢠絸ݞ偒ᨖ棼竦⇺窎⑟磁㑖㣞◽稁⯾Ҏ䑂݁Ϥ߮さ簖屒秎ᩆ礱ⵤ䓮䏼䞁旽䚞懡ܞ燷䙑ౙ䖁句㧡ὼ⛖䥒㭩滳َ⅒䒑⿩⛱ज़㥩⁌䚉灍䑖籋䘱穘䟆㖩䪱䏴䃬綥䊺檦䅐戡䉜䅞⒩䕁᣹㿷䞔ᵻ悹材䁐㨼䁺⪸䄙⪪凰罂щ⭟➑存曁繉䜾噚ᥡᡊ䚑泄ᛉ惽┾ᙂ䖾䭚䙵㩔ᗉ⣐埵浑囡Ⳙᛕ櫍ᭌݖ嚰助ᚴ獭䃥䧜宴劷熹拘╕૟嘹㯯ᕙ从⒅䃏唞ᕈ柕糉笆涪䌰犻旰ὄ樰׊奍ۓ᝕痈皍䧯㢤່櫰彘䉬熤䁴᪨獝滕痍䏖碊ⷀ唺ء䎰彜偐渪楜㓂థ嗏⟝墁䜝့愃㷏ඩ̓痣Ꮫ㔺獱珐䧈奴⋫柅ୗ嗝ᢇ䛳҃⛩ⵞ⚵઀䐭揆圳㫗㚓狟ഓ峏䶽㳣䌴媦䌙ඁ癬ᣃ䴁冚枫俘᯹䳸亳䆜栋⺚ཉ䊘䚭劸冬ὖ傺密䊛䗒潍ᵔ▫ෆ乫叝ҳ㶅㓻禎漓愎䶧㊖⼉䪇ᗕ够䱻⋅砍溚ṋ㔌璇⻗๧攊呫ߤᶖ䌆⽻㦔崻ℂ巧㳥䂋媳䇐ᒓ帰獻溇䢄ⲷĚ䴳䬙朰㘫䁴ἕ䋼Ἔ䊴ḡỷ┘㿻幔湙甜ḛ⃁⻇✛㽏ऎ巏ᤐ簷ḇ嚿䎐ắ㤚崫犈㻿ሎ札㎌㴘Ⰺ൧⪝㵋⢔㽋ㅞ嘊縠ᾼ䁇緓囻翙碖㧖䂣ㆊ㰀皨Ნ咰㲏䔥応᩿خ彐ৡ࠱㹰ၣ㿾嵰ⱊ祎冟æÿ㑁美ȐᣐΎ㸐⟹㏒г⬯⤦༁᠌↜Ả屒ಀ〘叀桀崯䝑๎氻憙橢嗩ʤ⥤ྫྷ䑟᪬⤝皱㘱䰼ᙣ牃ᓐ⢤㒞䞥‵䢡༱ḷ刅旂䟤挳妧Ғ䕘术眥དܼ㙊Ꮉ㙇拼⋦᱿ঘ冖㽽෮䴾০Ḃ兗抂㽧确䕄尨碰 ᆞǠᖣ穖ᚲ⅏挻䂀牾☨Ů椒ࢱ䨻䆠᫃摌措㥅䊊⓴維㔟࠸与楎ዜⵃᎂ⿄ኋ䘏᝭ᓘ䲉纺ƣᕂ慗卤㒄ژ攬䩪⳨䬹ρᨗ洃䭖㍶㺇㩴昤公᳒癙ᆹ奋᷒歌ዌ㚧⩬暀琴瓛䳙ඳ⸧ᮒ䝒㋎Ⰶ瞯摼忬糇狹ᴎ祀塲擰䤀ধ乣㭁Ϭ䖈⺙硴֨履彿狡✄↏杁⋭⌝䰥籼כᄲÝ૩㌴㟛Ԃ䠭ዸࡅ㐼◷᳙䵁ૈ⇆乧⟈䥨匘侅♹ሄ嫪佄䯉㦵䕾Ԫ啈僓瓩ٸ愪勣ᥜ叐὇ᖀ䝤摌ଉ䲵啾燣ᨫೊ⭥㚴禗磢璣䋃⴩ྶ昒廀偠ℤ"斴ᑁ砿ႸФ籧☬梯留ơ刲懲̡幐䉦䠢ቈ䙄䥡䣝⇱䐣Ōւ灘䌸㊈䁬נ䬨㑔ߠ₭怠ժ怠᫦Ŏ厣ੋ㮶׀恬эᠪ倹ں䰭øᗶ㹌䁠⺠a⮋⡷⮐糱检஡簻Ņ઀ᡞ㎐ጦ⺵檀璂悹ঠ#恠␤㇈ảᡛʐ㜤択ΐ᤯Ⴣ埉簷Zࢡ渿愈㧥婔欱ຬ丟 䩉ྛ碯䅄Ѓ砪扮曄≤↠塱吮ರᴪِૠ䃦Ⴠਢ

Jamowamo15 March 21, 2024
+1comment score: 1

The text has crazy language variations!

top comments

Pighouse tester May 24, 2023
+7comment score: 7

I got the "billionaire" achievement after getting my first 0.2 green papers

zetta August 16, 2023
+6comment score: 6

Really cool game, shame that it got abandoned. Really would like to see more of these mechanics. Couldn't seem to collapse, so I believe that's the endgame? but if there's more, i'd definitely love to see it!

elonmusk May 24, 2023
+5comment score: 5

unlock equipment but then nothing comes up?

developer response: what do you mean by "nothing comes up"? if you mean that you can't do anything in the tab, the maps are gotten from progressing in depths

Ilvin May 25, 2023
+4comment score: 4

after you unlock equipment it might take awhile to start getting maps

unicodes gamedev March 10, 2024
+3comment score: 3

good game but kinda slow

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