The Longest Incremental

Posted May 9, 2023. Updated May 9, 2023. Played 2873 times for a total of 2952 hours.
Our first attempt at making the longest incremental ever. Developed by me, Aarex, incremental_gamer, jakub, TheMKeyHolder, randomtuba, and a few other people
It has 2 working layers but it got abandoned after a few week because of internal conflicts
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SO as far as I can tell in noob mode its impossible to get achievement 16/uneffective. but after that it seems a bit finicky. you can see consumption level in your stats and I got level 6 excatly like the achievement said but it didn’t seem to activate till I was earning 1N a second rather then having 1N in currency.
ended up just restarting
You know playing this game is fun def feels intriguing the problem is that things just aren't explained well. I'm not gunna bash on this since the game was dropped mid development but it is a hassle trying to figure out mechanics or achievements that aren't explained.
is there a way to undo NaN? I was doing a puzzle in a game that required setting the time on my pc to midnight, and forgot to close the tab
news broken? :C
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I turned on a dangerous theme and it triggered a hard reset.
COST: "10,000"
me: "10,000 what?"
cool game but idk how to get achievement 16 lol
but song so cool :)
how remove chance on hard resetting?