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The save_list response is requested by the save_list action and contains the requested list of save data.

responding action


  • error (boolean)
    Whether the action encountered an error.

  • message (string?)
    Present when error is true, tells the reason why the action encountered an error. Valid values are:

    • "no_account": The player was logged out.
    • "server_error": The game couldn’t connect to Galaxy’s servers.
  • list (object)
    A list of saves. Each entry in the object is an object containing save data, with the id being its save slot number. Will be an empty object ({}) when error is true.

    • list.*.label (string)
      The label describing the save.

    • list.*.summary (string)
      The machine-readable summary describing the save.

    • list.*.length (number)
      The size of the save data, in bytes.

    • list.*.content (string?)
      The actual save data. Can be empty.

In order to avoid unnecessary bandwidth, the save list respond omits save content if one exceeds 8,000 bytes in length. Use the load action when you need to actually load the save, and utilize the summary fields when saving data needed to generate summaries to be displayed to the player, as their content will always be available when you fetch the save list.


If a list was found:

	type: "save_list",
	list: {
		10: {
			label: "1,000 points",
			summary: "{\"points\": 1000}",
			length: 31,
			content: "{\"points\": 1000, \"options\": {}}",

If a list wasn’t found:

	type: "save_list",
	error: true,
	message: "no_account",
	list: {},