Plague Tree (Vorona Cirus Treesease)

169 ratings
rated 3.8 stars, 169 ratings.
Posted June 8, 2023. Updated June 7, 2024. Played 40647 times for a total of 97272 hours.
The game's goal is to reach as many cases of the COVID-19 disease as possible. As you go down layers, you unlock things that greatly improve virus spread and strength, way beyond what the real virus could possibly accomplish.
latest update
Plague Tree (Vorona Cirus Treesease) v0.6.25 June 7, 2024
- Added
- Added 9
- Added 11 UnBoosted Virus upgrades
- Added 15 UnBoosted Virus milestones
- Added an UnBoosted Virus buyable
- Added 3 Booster upgrades
- Added an Unvaxxed Layer upgrade
- Added 6 Anti-Distancing upgrades
- Added 6 Achievements
newest comments
if you are stuck at the disease part with around e280 max infectious disease, but earning at a rate around e250, the fix is dont buy any infection tree. Respec for an empty tree and you earn what you want to. Each part of the infection tree bought decreases the disease gain.
how do u change dev speed
when do you unlock Booster Vaccine
Reskill how
tip set your dev speed to 3-5x and this becomes a super fun idle game that dosent randomly halt into nothingness
top comments
As others have pointed out, this game just completely turns on its head once you unlock Fatality. It becomes very slow and essentially revolves around getting different buyables across multiple tabs. That's a shame, as the game up to that is quite fun and engaging.
@unpogged you can hold shift to bulk attempt mutate. It's important but the game doesn't make it clear.
the game is super lag for me, Average tps : 0.18 s/tick
i really would like to play this tree, but it is unplayable on my small machine.
it's the only tree i can't play. profiling in chrome shows that updateTemp, updateTempData use 100% cpu even after hard reset with just one virus.
that isn't the case in other tree mods, so i assume there are big optimization problems in the code.
/r JanexTheHEro1
zero deaths and 'ZERO' deaths are achieved by going into fatality challenge 4 and disabling the multiplier boost autobuyer (combine casualty challenge 1 with fatality challenge 4 for 'ZERO' deaths)