The Milestone Tree
developed by loader3229 gamedev | rated 4.1 stars, 155 ratings.
155 ratings
rated 4.1 stars, 155 ratings.
Posted September 8, 2023. Updated June 8, 2024. Played 17868 times for a total of 26836 hours.
A TMT mod about milestones
latest update
The Parallel Multiverse 1.263 June 8, 2024
Added more contents, more milestones!
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newest comments
hey dude this is one of my favorite gamws i have about 2 months spent on it please make more.
love the game, but soon it gets hard, I played the game for 7 days and 12 hours total, I listen to music while playing which makes it more chill.
How do I get milestone 95?
Just finished the game in less than three hours.
can't figure out what respec does for the special transcend points. i'm not progressing past that point so perhaps some in-game explanation is in order. it was fun up to that point.
top comments
Nice game ! Little feedback : reverse the display order of milestones.
a little tip: in settings, change show milestones to INCOMPLETE, this way game will only show the latest milestone.
i understand that tmt's milestones are generally just a bunch of full width rectangles. however, since there are so many, i think the achievements system should be used, because it gets tedious to keep scrolling down. other than that, good tmt!
The only thing the Transcend layer is transcending is my patience.
Everything before it is done quickly or in a reasonable amount of time, and then this stupid thing is glaring me in the face for days, with a side of "you need to wait for more transcend points for your bonuses to be high enough to be able to push ahead, teehee".
developer response: The Milestone Tree: TP Timewall. But I will increase TP passive gain milestone effect after some updates
dam bro you made me thought the game got an update lol