Matter Exponential

39 ratings
rated 3.5 stars, 39 ratings.
Posted December 6, 2023. Updated April 16, 2024. Played 1133 times for a total of 412 hours.
Just some game where you make a bunch of matter.
This is my first game incremental ever.
latest update
April 16, 2024
QoL changes:
faster auto-expansion formula
multiplier included in exponent as well, finally making it useful.
and, something really needed, faster formatting, happening after 1e7, and ee7
newest comments
auto clicker make game go bye like brrrrrrrrrrr
beat in like 3 minutes
I have beaten the game.
Beat it in 5 minutes, pretty great game but the transitions can be improved.
please make the fading animation faster.
I still wish the buttons wouldn't fade out when you do an exponent reset.
top comments
I still wish the buttons wouldn't fade out when you do an exponent reset.
I can see some nice ideas on the horizon but there's too much spam-clicking of a single button for my enjoyment/wrist health.
developer response: I made the auto-expand formula quicker which should help with the majority of the clicking in end-game.
v exactly, wish scientific notation would start sooner, or some commas in-between every 3 digits
developer response: Formatting now happens after e7 and ee7, hope this helps.
le epic awesomesauce for a first incrmenetal
there's some weird gray lines below the buttons and i think some buttons need more clarification on what they do but awesome
Could be better if the numbers are formatted with scientific notation