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The Ethereal Tree

developed by shoober
rated 3.5 stars, 35 ratings
rated 3.5 stars, 35 ratings

Posted February 15, 2024. Updated February 20, 2024. Played 1652 times for a total of 1158 hours.


Grind Ether, Get other layers, Many upgrades!

yeah i made this like 3 months ago thanks for playing :D

latest update

Mini Update 1.0.1 February 20, 2024

Super Ether 30 now unlocks some new Ether upgrades!
2 new Shadow and Shadow Energy milestones
Added 5 new Ether achievements and 1 new mystery achievement
Fixed Shadow Energy Achievement saying Power

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newest comments

ashton June 1, 2024
+4comment score: 4

sorta fun game but all u do for starting is buy buyables and thats not fun

IncrementalKing April 15, 2024
+3comment score: 3

ive gotten so many super ether secret milestones how many are there? ive gotten to 31 super ethers

Bingus March 5, 2024
+4comment score: 4

imma not play this until buy max is added cuz carpal tunnel isnt nice

Amidon February 27, 2024
+8comment score: 8

FFS, please add buy max. Having to hold a button down until you get to 1750 is so boring...

Snickers805 countest February 27, 2024
+4comment score: 4

btw you can buy a ton of buyables by clicking on one and holding enter

top comments

Lustre February 20, 2024
+18comment score: 18

You REALLY need to add something to make the Ether buyables persist or automated through all the resets. I'm very tired of having to sit and wait for them to be purchased manually. There's zero point in having the only automation for them in Shadow when the other two reset it almost immediately after you unlock it.

developer response: I hate the buyables worst thing I made I don't even know why they exist

I'll probably make the automation permanent

leopupin February 21, 2024
+14comment score: 14

A simple "buy max" button for the buyables would make the game so much better, having to hold the same button again and again, with a limited buy rate, is pretty boring

Tremir February 18, 2024
+10comment score: 10

This really needs a milestone to keep ether upgrades on shadow reset.
Probably somewhere between the 50 and 500 shadow milestones.

Lustre February 18, 2024
+9comment score: 9

What's the point in locking Shadow Energy after you unlock it? I can't see it anymore and the game's practically started from the beginning again. Are the two milestones I unlocked even working? How can I know?

milo verifier February 18, 2024
+9comment score: 9

your cat looks cute

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