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Shark Game: New Frontiers, 4.7 stars, 342 favorites, 18109 play hours The Plant Tree, 4.4 stars, 206 favorites, 30922 play hours The Milestone Tree NG+, 4.4 stars, 139 favorites, 20829 play hours Idle Loops: Squirrel Edition, 4.5 stars, 34 favorites, 4223 play hours Le Underrated Forest (TMT Mod), 4.4 stars, 72 favorites, 7551 play hours The Data Tree, 4.4 stars, 35 favorites, 1272 play hours The Excavation Tree, 4.3 stars, 100 favorites, 6154 play hours The Point Tree, 4.2 stars, 148 favorites, 18336 play hours ordinal gwarkup, 4.2 stars, 85 favorites, 19104 play hours Check Back (Mod), 4.2 stars, 122 favorites, 31156 play hours My Random Tree, 4.1 stars, 22 favorites, 1191 play hours Create Incremental, 4 stars, 52 favorites, 5717 play hours A tree for sure, 4 stars, 18 favorites, 2362 play hours The Camellia Tree: duducat's Extremely Novel and (Almost) Completely Overhauled "I wanna be the Kamiller" Rewrite/Modification, 4 stars, 21 favorites, 2818 play hours The Formula Extended, 4 stars, 16 favorites, 2314 play hours The Fame Tree, 4 stars, 37 favorites, 3721 play hours Omega Layers: Recrumbled, 3.8 stars, 17 favorites, 3202 play hours my very good tree, 3.7 stars, 50 favorites, 3673 play hours The Ethereal Tree, 3.5 stars, 18 favorites, 1027 play hours The JToH Tree, 3.5 stars, 14 favorites, 259 play hours ඞ-lλγers, 3.5 stars, 18 favorites, 1128 play hours Le Boring Tree (TMT mod), 3.5 stars, 15 favorites, 1655 play hours The MJ Tree, 3.4 stars, 17 favorites, 1129 play hours Le Stupid Tree Game (TMT Mod), 3.4 stars, 6 favorites, 441 play hours PS: Miniscule Multipliers!, 3.3 stars, 6 favorites, 1173 play hours The Gaming Tree, 3.2 stars, 51 favorites, 4040 play hours The J Tree: Replanted, 3.1 stars, 20 favorites, 578 play hours The Random Tree, 3.1 stars, 8 favorites, 586 play hours Abstract Tree, 3 stars, 36 favorites, 1900 play hours A-Z Inc, 3 stars, 13 favorites, 1799 play hours The Light Incremental, 2.7 stars, 4 favorites, 140 play hours The Godlyverse Tree, 2.6 stars, 8 favorites, 534 play hours The Tree of Secrets, 2.5 stars, 5 favorites, 75 play hours