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ordinal gwarkup, 4 stars, 112 favorites, 26083 play hours Abstract Tree, 3.2 stars, 50 favorites, 2716 play hours The Tree of Secrets, 2.5 stars, 6 favorites, 100 play hours The Plant Tree, 4.3 stars, 281 favorites, 51139 play hours A-Z Inc, 3 stars, 18 favorites, 3156 play hours Le Boring Tree (TMT mod), 3.5 stars, 25 favorites, 2567 play hours ඞ-lλγers, 3.4 stars, 25 favorites, 1898 play hours Shark Game: New Frontiers, 4.7 stars, 533 favorites, 34922 play hours my very good tree, 3.8 stars, 78 favorites, 5151 play hours Idle Loops: Squirrel Edition, 4.4 stars, 62 favorites, 6493 play hours The Gaming Tree, 3.3 stars, 62 favorites, 4773 play hours Le Stupid Tree Game (TMT Mod), 3.9 stars, 10 favorites, 834 play hours The J Tree: Replanted, 3.2 stars, 48 favorites, 4260 play hours The Camellia Tree: duducat's Extremely Novel and (Almost) Completely Overhauled "I wanna be the Kamiller" Rewrite/Modification, 4 stars, 33 favorites, 3876 play hours Le Underrated Forest (TMT Mod), 4.2 stars, 86 favorites, 9235 play hours The Excavation Tree, 4.2 stars, 158 favorites, 11695 play hours The Fame Tree, 3.9 stars, 67 favorites, 9675 play hours The Data Tree, 4.2 stars, 49 favorites, 1847 play hours The Milestone Tree NG+, 4.4 stars, 178 favorites, 26922 play hours The Formula Extended, 3.9 stars, 24 favorites, 3213 play hours Omega Layers: Recrumbled, 3.9 stars, 25 favorites, 4111 play hours The Point Tree, 4 stars, 358 favorites, 79275 play hours A tree for sure, 4.1 stars, 32 favorites, 3620 play hours PS: Miniscule Multipliers!, 3.4 stars, 17 favorites, 1833 play hours The Ethereal Tree, 3.3 stars, 24 favorites, 1415 play hours My Random Tree, 4.1 stars, 31 favorites, 1618 play hours The JToH Tree, 3.8 stars, 26 favorites, 408 play hours The Random Tree, 3.2 stars, 13 favorites, 850 play hours The MJ Tree, 3.2 stars, 64 favorites, 10271 play hours The Light Incremental, 2.4 stars, 16 favorites, 601 play hours The Cat Tree, 3.5 stars, 37 favorites, 1504 play hours The Galactic Tree, 4.2 stars, 146 favorites, 17990 play hours The MJ Tree REWRITTEN v0.5, 3.8 stars, 50 favorites, 5026 play hours (demo) the purchase chain, 3.5 stars, 16 favorites, 939 play hours Click n Win v0.4, 3.8 stars, 33 favorites, 7324 play hours Infinity Clicker, 2.9 stars, 28 favorites, 2754 play hours MetaTree, 4.3 stars, 139 favorites, 4981 play hours Celestial Incremental, 4.1 stars, 216 favorites, 84628 play hours SC2FMFR, 4.1 stars, 205 favorites, 55077 play hours The Doors Tree, 3.5 stars, 21 favorites, 6007 play hours The TMT Game About Points, 3.6 stars, 17 favorites, 3671 play hours My Very Good Tree 2, 1.7 stars, 14 favorites, 1314 play hours The Rebirth Tree Rewritten, 4.2 stars, 58 favorites, 8549 play hours PS: Glorious Generators!, 4.2 stars, 73 favorites, 11024 play hours Check Back Hell, 2.5 stars, 16 favorites, 3300 play hours