Le Underrated Forest (TMT Mod)

Posted August 11, 2023. Updated April 1, 2024. Played 6346 times for a total of 9616 hours.
This game is accidentally made when a group of mod creators in the TMT server try to make a new "multitree" but instead, they picked mods in #mod-dicussions, I decided to make one for funsies
latest update
A tree based on loader3229's Multitree that is made by Cookina and Many more Silly Mod Creators v1.4.1 April 1, 2024
Added small contents and QoLs, literally.
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newest comments
love it, hope development continues!
Really unique and interesting Prestige Tree Mod. Simple enough to understand what you need to do, but complex enough to be interesting too. I don't have anything critical feedback to offer, other than please keep working on this game!
I can't express how cool the interaction between trees is. Really fun mod!
Found a funni secret blob button. The hecc I do with it
tmt + volatility (persistence)
top comments
I do hope that this game is still in development, it's a neat idea that could be further expanded on (with how many TMT games there are nowadays). Sometimes it can be a bit tricky to figure out what to do next or what tree to focus grinding at any specific time (especially towards late game) but I'm happy with how the game feels to play. There's never a long wait for something, and if there is you know you're probably doing something wrong. I'm yet to find any really tough timewalls to hurtle over, but my only real complaint is how some challenges in YACT:A kick you out if you switch trees to go fix something in a different place. Otherwise, solid 5/5 TMT mod!
developer response: it's still in-development do not worry :], still don't know how to fix the challenge kicking you out (i think because you reset a layer in a same or higher rows-) but i think that's just TMT thing, but overall thank god you enjoyed the game :D
short, but good tree: i like how all trees interact with each other. also no spam 'hold down mouse' to get a buyable/prestige.
last but not least: no stupid lore for kids.
(Time Played: 3h 55m 31.335s)
Found a funni secret blob button. The hecc I do with it
very fun gameplay, its a little short but overall pretty fun to play and very nice gameplay. great work!
developer response: It's in development but thank you very much :D
yayy i love this type of game
developer response: Me too, :D