crg's neck tree

95 ratings
rated 2.3 stars, 95 ratings.
Posted May 10, 2023. Updated October 29, 2024. Played 1084 times for a total of 556 hours.
this is the pinnacle of pt modding
latest update
neck-romancy (because i'm reviving this kind of) October 29, 2024
Added the booxter layer (one upgrade so far, also some qol milestones)
Neck enhancers are now locked behind the booxter layer
Endgame: 20 booxters
if ppl wanna see more i might do more idk (i suck at using tmt)
newest comments
his necks ;(
clicky button :D
Very avant garde! π/5!
oh and the second clicky button needs to reach 2151524
Dont forget to press the clicky button 145311 times because that number translates to neck
top comments
truly one of the pt mods ever
What the fuck is this
developer response: a bad game
the worst on galaxy in fact
tmt means this man's toes
wtf is this game, i dont even understand it
developer response: inside joke
Why is this "game" so terrible?
developer response: i'm flattered.