2024/11/20 November 20, 2024
2024/11/20 November 20, 2024
Posted November 20, 2024. Updated November 20, 2024. Played 5352 times for a total of 6275 hours.
This game is inspired by the Roblox game Doors by LSPLASH.
Remake coming soon!
newest comments
I read your suggestions and I'll use them in the remake.
I played quite a bit, after a long time there is automation, but I reached a point where there are buyables, but it becomes very difficult for me to press to buy and the game bugs out and buys much more.
Like most people said the lack of automation is a problem but I managed to win in <9 hours with using an auto-clicker a bit over half the time? The fact you can buy multiple bulks at once with really fast clicking or hitting enter and click on the same frame is probably why Im ahead compared to other people. Otherwise I don't see a problem but could just be me and my auto-clicker
the game really falls apart during rush buyables, it takes over a day to make any progress at times
Enjoyable enough game but absolutely unplayable without an autoclicker to hit upgrades, literally thousands of clicks. This game does not respect your time or mouse button. Also massive timewall at gold13/rush buyables. sitting here multiple OoM below any upgrade I can purchase. ambush challenges absolutely should not reset all upgrades and force you to play the entire game again
top comments
gold absolutely sucks to do, the fact that you don't get given any meaningful automation is just so draining.
Interesting concept, ruined by the lack of automation at the gold layer. At the very least, the first gold milestone should either allow you to keep upgrades or auto-upgrade.
The more of these games I play the less forgiving I become for not having automation and the creator just expecting people to click a million times.
And WHY does the first challenge reset all upgrades bought during the challenge? Just let me keep the upgrades so I don't have to rebuy everything TWICE. It's bad enough there's no automation yet for buying upgrades, you don't need to kick me down a second time.
This could really use autoUpgrade on the layers after a while.
That nearly 100% reset at gold isn't fun at all. Not worth playing further.