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The Long Wait

developed by downvoid tester
rated 3.4 stars, 41 ratings.
rated 3.4 stars, 41 ratings.

Posted May 10, 2023. Updated September 1, 2023. Played 36 times for a total of 366 hours.


The Long Wait (from purified chaos), but turned into a web game. Currently waiting for meta to add more content to the discord game so that this can receive more updates.

latest update

The Fifth Hour 0.3 September 1, 2023

Added content up to 5 hours. Challenges soon!

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newest comments

probablypeenuts counter January 14, 2024
+1comment score: 1

i have white background is this normal

Goofy_Goober December 30, 2023
+1comment score: 1

2 minutes = 170 seconds???

blowrds December 14, 2023
+2comment score: 2

trying to play it, but says "not found"
has it been taken down or do i need to sign up for replit to play?

developer response: it's back up idk why it was down, replit is weird sometimes

AAAAAA September 29, 2023
+1comment score: 1

I'm curious what discord server you mean this is from, I can't find it.

yeyes September 18, 2023
+1comment score: 1

or like a minute one

top comments

yhvr owner May 12, 2023
+22comment score: 22

(For the impatient, something happens at 60 seconds)

downvoid tester May 17, 2023
+5comment score: 5

to anyone playing, the game ends at 3 hours for now, until I make the buyable work and meta adds more content to the discord version

developer response: it now ends at 5 hours

Tee May 16, 2023
+3comment score: 3

Cool game! Any new layers/unlocks past four hours? I've hit five and didn't see anything new yet. Thanks!

blowrds December 14, 2023
+2comment score: 2

trying to play it, but says "not found"
has it been taken down or do i need to sign up for replit to play?

developer response: it's back up idk why it was down, replit is weird sometimes

shax000 May 12, 2023
+1comment score: 1

quite cool

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