A Tale of Poop and Vengeance

Posted April 2, 2024. Updated April 4, 2024. Played 2954 times for a total of 1174 hours.
Shovel Poop, Buy Upgrades, Overthrow the Government.
A short, story-based incremental game made in my spare time to practice HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Feedback and constructive criticism welcome! :)
- Pacing is designed around not having an autoclicker, but feel free to use one if you feel the balance is off!
- Designed for desktop, but I tried to make it as responsive as I'm capable of for smaller window sizes.
latest update
2025 New CSS Changes January 7, 2025
Approx. 1 year of CSS practice later, I have returned to:
- Center the game div!
- Make event popups a little more mobile friendly
- Added a delay to event popups to hopefully mitigate fat-fingering
(Boy I sure hope no new bugs get introduced by this fix, tested it in mobile and desktop on standard resolutions, but cant account for smart fridges/the likes. Please comment and let me know if anything wonky occurs!)
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newest comments
This is a perfect ending.
No meaning for a Muscle Memory-like upgrade.
10/10 has poop and a dragon what more can you ask for
meat make dragon dragon make mana mana make something but its all from poop
developer response: yes
poop for crops crops for meat meat for something but all from poop
developer response: precisely
my arthritis omg it hurts so much. automation maybe for the elderly?
developer response: Definitely recommend an autoclicker in this case! The exponential scaling makes autoclickers not TOO powerful :)
top comments
I wanna go on interstellar conquest with my cute dragon
developer response: Aww <3
the only incremental with realistic numbers
developer response: I'm glad my math-blind brain proves useful for once haha
The writing at the end was really good. 👍🤙
developer response: Thank you! I wasn't sure how it read while developing so I'm really glad you enjoyed it!
never thought i'd commit mass murder in an incremental game
developer response: hey, I'm sure inevitably disrupting world politics / the laws and fabric of the universe itself is a staple of incrementals by now :P
short but cute
developer response: Thank you :D