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this crazy idea

developed by yhvr owner
rated 4.0 stars, 71 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 71 ratings

Posted May 29, 2023. Updated May 29, 2023. Played 903 times for a total of 634 hours.


hopeless startup simulator, made for the Profectus Creation Jam, and won first place... somehow??

Everybody has some great ideas for the future, but not everybody wants to do the work to get there.

"this crazy idea" puts you in the role of a programmer as their friends and family barrage them with startup ideas, that are all so mind-numbingly stupid that they're doomed to fail.

But... you're a nice person, right? You wouldn't say "no" to a good friend.

Or would you?

Can you break the cycle?

Source code on GitLab

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newest comments

ZaMeR July 20, 2024
+1comment score: 1

28m 46.34s

IliKeIncRemEntals July 13, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I just beat game and i cant click end the game>:(

IliKeIncRemEntals July 13, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Yhvr maks only the best games. This game? I love. Cleasned i loved, and also by Yhvr. the one tree game he made? I love! Continue makin games!

Despacitoian May 10, 2024
+1comment score: 1

17 minutes lets gooo
turns out all you have to do is forget marketing, ux and monetization exist

unicodes counter April 12, 2024
0comment score: 0


top comments

ducdat0507 countest May 29, 2023
+20comment score: 20

It took me way too much time to realize that all you need to do is to ignore the marketing and dump all the code into features

Unexian gamedev June 11, 2023
+11comment score: 11

340-0-300 with hackathons, spam pipe bombs, infinite run

song May 30, 2023
+10comment score: 10

why can i mail people pipebom b

developer response: a very persuasive way of getting them to use your product

Robot_Face June 5, 2023
+8comment score: 8

The javascript alert whenever you go to begin a new startup takes you out of full screen every time. Very annoying

CoolRadGamer countest May 29, 2023
+5comment score: 5

i got kinda bored of it

in the end you just press 2 buttons and wait for energy to run out

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