Check Back (Original)

60 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 60 ratings.
Posted May 13, 2023. Updated May 13, 2023. Played 919 times for a total of 1967 hours.
You will have to check back every now and then.
Posted May 13, 2023. Updated May 13, 2023. Played 919 times for a total of 1967 hours.
You will have to check back every now and then.
newest comments
@unicodes I am the guy who made a mod of check back. Demonin didn't want to work more on check back but he did help me with understanding the code and with how to add new buttons and everything and now it's one of the biggest games in galaxy. If you are interested in making some content "contributions" text me.
And to anyone here enjoying check back, please, the "mod" has a lot more content so play it [it's now the official check back version too]
i got level 35, what now?
such a gud game
how did someone make a mod of this i want to make a mod of this
Why did my data got wiped?
top comments
Finally finished this game after a week or two. Nice little time waster on the side :D
I like it its simple and exactly what I was told I would get
Personally love the game. New unlocks stop after level 30, and with no way to increase pet chances for the more rare pets probably going to stop playing now as it could take a very long time to unlock more pets. Was pretty fun for a week or so. users dont interact with the game a ton, so it's to maybe keep open in another tab.
my save got wiped lets go
I feel like all of the other pet crates are useless now that i've got a good pet from the daily reward