Exotic Matter Dimensions
101 ratings
rated 4.2 stars, 101 ratings.
Posted June 24, 2023. Updated June 14, 2024. Played 11149 times for a total of 27016 hours.
Googology style game inspired by Synergism and Antimatter Dimensions. With Exotic Matter Dimensions, you'll get:
- Up to 10 ^ 500,000,000,000 exotic matter!
- A universe in 8 dimensions! Possibly more if you play long enough.
- 9 tiers of achievements! Possibly an 10th tier if you wait for an update.
- A 'news' ticker filled with jokes and meta-references!
- Regular content updates!
(ranging from 4 times per year to once per 4 years) - 2 layers of prestige!
- 2 more layers of semi-prestige!
- Lots of other features that I can't list here because of spoilers!
I don't really know why, but a lot of people like this game. Perhaps you will too.
latest update
𝕍1ω post-update revision June 14, 2024
Those of you who read to the bottom of the 𝕍1ω changelog will notice that the "form" link is actually a Discord link. That is not the correct link to the form. The form is at https://forms.gle/aBpgH6z4qpLCiztVA. My apologies.
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Actually, "ee" is 10^10^n.
game is pretty fun, but too bad everything is balanced around using offline time because of how slow stuff is
at least base64 editor allows for getting 60 years of offline time
I only found four dimensions. How can there be eight or even nine?
developer response: You will unlock more as you continue progressing. When you do come to unlock the V axis and beyond it'll be clearly signposted so you won't miss it.
so 9.4/10!
top comments
Wow. Thats fantastic game!
This endgame is too high! Thank you!
i have so much dilatated time on this game lmao hopefully i can reach the endgame before it runs out
DT stands for dilated time (offlime time)
almost 10k total hours played globally!!