Check Back
developed by MarcElAcoplao gamedev | rated 4.4 stars, 281 ratings.
281 ratings
Posted May 13, 2023. Updated November 11, 2024. Played 104490 times for a total of 124590 hours.
A game about clicking buttons, gaining xp and unlocking new features. Heavily inspired by Demonin's game (this is basically a continuation of his original game)
Currently includes:
XP Buttons! Each button has a cooldown and an xp reward
Leveling up! Levels unlock new buttons, new features and more
Many pet crates! Unbox new pets to increase your xp gains and more stats
Daily rewards! Get increasingly amounts of xp and unique powerful pets by checking back every day
Prestige! Reset your xp to get even more xp
Fighting! Grow your stats and fight enemies that drop some loot to help you progress faster.
Upgrades! Spend your leftover pets and coins for powerful upgrades and new unlocks
A feature inspired by Antimatter Dimensions... adapted for Check Back. An interesting journey where the game receives some lore.
Latest update: [v1.0 The official release update]
latest update
Check Back 1.1 part 1 November 11, 2024
v1.1 The frozen update part 1
1-New crate. This one is different from the others, since it will reset your dimensions to open more crates. The pets are very rare but also drop in lots.
2-New pets. Coming from the new crate, those pets are extremely, EXTREMELY powerful and are required to reach high levels to unlock new stuff. [The unobtainable pets will come in the 2nd part]
3-New fighting area. You'll need a lot of stats to beat the strongest enemies.
4-New stat buttons. Let those stats go br.
5-New feature: Artifacts.
6-New shop upgrades. 5 Items that will make your numbers skyrocket.
7-New ranks. These names reach up to level 1e18, so good luck with reaching them.
8-New "Latest Drops" menu. The upgrade that removes pet alerts will now add all these drops to an array of [non-sorted] entries that keep track of drops and amounts. Closing the tab will reset the drops obtained.
9-Bugfixes that have been done some by me and some through some pull requests [thank you all the contributors]
newest comments
There should be a way to buy pets with coins. This would help lower the way too prevalent RNG-wall, and still make pets really useful because, if you got it already for an upgrade you wouldn't have to spend coins to pay for another.
Dimensional Sacrifice resetting those absurdly hard-to-obtain upgrades is just cruel and mean-spirited. I'm Tier 30 with Dimensional Reset 5 and still don't even have the necklace, and I know with 100% certainty that I will not buy it until after the sacrifice because screw getting those drops again afterwards.
How much days does it takes to reach the lv.500 feature ? (approximatively, considering that each day, every button is clicked)
developer response: being rather active, it took me like 2 weeks to reach level 500
unlocking that one necklace is kinda pain with 5+5 pet requirements when each has less than 3% chance to drop with this long of a cooldown, 3+1 would be more reasonable, eventually if there was some pity system for pets
QOL request: change "No More Pet Alerts" to require owning Green dragon or better instead of just owning the green dragon. I have the purple, dark blue, and white dragon and still can't buy this upgrade.
developer response: I think "own any dragon" would work best
top comments
This is exactly what i expected. 5/5 no false advertising
hmm i would leave a review but im too lazy
why don't you check back later
developer response: it's been a long while, are you still lazy or you forgot to check back later?
I came, I saw, I checked back.
my only feature request so far is could you make unboxing pets not like, a website alert box and make it inside the page instead. its not a huge deal or anything it just kinda disrupts the "click all the stuff real fast" vibe whenever i tab in
developer response: I could make it a feature, that if you are opening a certain crate and have something else (like a toggle), it doesn't play the alert. Update: next update will have something to disable these.
Update 2: v0.8 has something that will disable the pet alerts [for all existing crates, so in future updates you'll have the popups again]
Perfect for playing other incrementals