Progress Knight

79 ratings
Posted March 3, 2025. Updated March 3, 2025. Played 3884 times for a total of 9423 hours.
Progress Knight is a life-sim incremental based in a fantasy/medieval setting, where you must progress through the career ladder and acquire new skills to become the ultimate being,
You first start off as a beggar, barely being able to feed yourself as the days go by. However, over the years you learn new skills and gain plenty of work experience to enter new high paying jobs while managing your living expenses...
Will you decide to take the easy route of doing simple commoner work? Or will you go through harsh training to climb the ranks within the military? Or maybe will you decide to study hard and enrol in a magic academy, learning life-impacting spells? Your career path is open-ended, the decision is up to you.
Eventually, your age will catch up to you. You will be given an option to prestige and gain xp multipliers (based on the performance of your current life) for your next life at the cost of losing all your levels and assets. Fear not though, as you will re-gain your levels much, much more quickly than in your previous life...
by: ihtasham_42
Armor Games
newest comments
@unlucky_star there should be another prestige layer around 1000 to 2000 yrs lived if the port is the most recent update. the game is really slow it took me months of play to finish lol.
thenoobsuper1 No I did that already; I actually unlocked evil completely legit and only started toying with game variables after realizing how slow leveling up chairman was even after all the extra exp bonuses. So I set chairman's max level to 1e11 to get to 1000 quickly; that's the requirement to unlock the 4th skill under the Magic category. It's a second Immortality skill (Super Immortality), and my max lifespan after leveling it went all the way to 3240 years. I wasn't about to wait a full real life week for that to fill though, so I cheated to advance the game clock close to the end too but nothing happened when I hit that age. There's nothing on the amulet tab, there's no other skills or jobs to unlock, no other obvious goal, no obvious statement saying that this was the end of content. Either skipping time by editing the day variable broke whatever flag was suppose to trigger; Or there's just absolutely nothing at the end of this grind. And like I said, I'm not about to let this tab run idle for a full real life week to find out.
unlucky_star wait 200 years for evil
Yes you should post it, I would love to have progress knight quest on Galaxy. I think it would boost the games popularity significantly while also bringing new users to Galaxy.
what happened to the og town system?
top comments
I really like this game, although I do feel like it is slower than most idle games
woops! tabbed out after entering the game and spent 45 years being a beggar and am now rich enough to be part of the 0.1% silly me!
I can't remember, but was there a way to speed up the days/years? Currently it is about 4days/s, which means around 1h per decade, so reaching 70 years is about 1h20ish minutes, but 200... well, I hope you got 3-4h ahead of you, per attempt...
It's here no way