One Trillion Free Draws

Posted January 28, 2025. Updated January 29, 2025. Played 23209 times for a total of 34310 hours.
The game where you draw 1,000,000,000,000 cards for free. All these free draws are yours to take... if you can draw them all
newest comments
Had fun with this one! One suggestion: the faction choice and ability buttons are visually similar and close to each other. For clarity, I'd move the faction buttons above the draw card and/or have the draw card change colour depending on the current faction selected. Cheers!
I know the games based on gacha and the grindyness is part of the fun, but for the sake of my poor defenseless mouse please add a "buy max" button? Otherwise I like it though, another winner for a great dev.
Hey there found a very small issue where when hovering over cards if it has a max number of level it says x/y stars instead of x/y levels
abstractify2 should just be abstractify's picture but 3D
For the chinese one "万" is not 1k but it is 10k. I thought I went from 3k to 300k 😭
top comments
I wish the upgrade buttons to have different colors based on which currency they use
imagine if the last ever card you get is just a card that gives you a Quadrillion cards for free
Do know you can click while you're opening packs to make them open faster.
Great game!
Each time I upgrade a card, the upgrade popup gets swapped for the StackRAR buying popup when I already bought it.
Alrighty, 34 hours later and I've drawn all my trillion cards to great fanfare. Spoilers ahead.
I do really enjoy this game, but I do think it could be further refined by filling the endgame with a more expedient method of drawing cards rather than grinding up to the point of gaining 20 billion cards per Freeze Drop and repeating that every four minutes or so about fifty times. There is absolutely no hope of reaching 5 stars with a lot of the more important faction cards, and in general, the beginning of the end in which you're actually making a dent in the draw limit feels a little empty; it's just a bit of a harsh contrast to the exciting start jam-packed with new things to unlock and level up. I mean, points and shreds become practically obsoleted in favor of hitting photosynthesis in the hopes you'll get some extra faction cards.
Yeah, that may be a compelling metaphor for the 'free up front, pay later' model of gacha games, but I just think it'd be a lot more fun if the ending gameplay loop was just a bit denser than unlocking all the faction cards and grinding their effects into the ground until you're all the way through. It just really rankles me because it was one of the more enjoyable beginnings to an incremental game I've yet seen; the flow was incredibly engaging. I think around the time I started getting a billion cards per draw was when I just wanted to work through them and beat the game already, which makes me a little sad.
...Unless I missed something somewhere, 'cause I never did get that second-to-last achievement... Regardless, though, I did enjoy the game a lot more than I might've made it sound, and I did beat it, didn't I? I don't know if updates are planned like the end card claims, but I would really enjoy seeing new content or balance changes!
also why does the filter upgrade exist; it was never helpful for even a single second