Shgabb Clicker

Posted December 10, 2024. Updated March 17, 2025. Played 4350 times for a total of 4757 hours.
[note: earlygame is much faster now. game is more of an active incremental than an idle game]
Shgabb Clicker is my passion project: an active clicker game based on a blob creature and its mysterious ways. Classic webgame design meets bursts of creativity. Click to earn Shgabb, unlock almost a dozen other currencies and several features, find lore pages, get Achievements, customize an own Player Profile card, and see the numbers go up!
The game has a bit for everyone: active and idle aspects, micro-management, cosmetic customization, incremental numbers, the excitement of unlocking new stuff, complicated strategy (Artifacts) and more. Updates are released frequently, with lots of great new content planned. Feedback is taken into account. While the game hasn't had many players for most of its existence, multiple were so addicted I was really concerned! Have fun!
latest update
Shgabb Clicker v3.5.2 v3.5.2 March 19, 2025
2025/03/20 v3.5.2:
Version v3.5.2:
-> Bananas:
- Added a Banana PFP, unlocked at 10k total Bananas (third Achievement)
- Moved Banana Achievements based on progression
- Fixed Tree ID starting with #0, all new trees are one higher now
- Tree age is now shown as "Age" instead of "Days" (starting at 1 now)
-> Other:
- Added 5 new Quotes (105 total)
- Minigames no longer pause when a different selection is used
- Fishgang: Re-added Your Mom and Pirate Piss
- Achievements: Added page buttons to the top as well
- Challenges: Goal, Price and Boost are now bold, and added a line above them
- Expanded Featuriary text for Shgic
newest comments
Looks like the GS calc is broken - specifically, the line that scales GS generation based on bananas (
bananaUpgrades.banGS.currentEffect() * calcClaimableBananas()
) returns a 0 with no bananas.developer response: little issue due to the new update, it's fixed now
It looks like I am completely unable to get any GS no matter what, am I missing something here?
developer response: little issue due to the new update, it's fixed now
F to all who are annoyed of anything. this is pure art
I like this game, you make amazing games scrotti, I'm gonna try to play as many games as possible this year!
developer response: thank you so much <3
not many of my games are on galaxy (mostly because some are not incremental at all), but ingame you can find a link to my website which has a list of all the stuff I've made, that way you won't miss any if you want to check them out. If you happen to have Discord, there's a server to talk about my games, if you want to share your stats and talk with more people :)
Yeah, I don't know what most of these people are talking about. This is glorious. Also horrendous, yes, but based on the ads and naming scheme, that seems very much intentional and I'm all for it. I also lack any context, which I didn't know existed until the newsticker mentioned there being some, but I feel like that makes it even better. I like not knowing what's going on and figuring it out myself, it gives incrementals which would otherwise be boring nothingburgers a kind of puzzle element and actually give it depth. Sure, the balancing is a smidge annoying at times but I've seen muuuch worse. Overall good game 5/5 👍
developer response: Thanks a lot for the most positive comment so far! :) Yes, it's a very silly and surreal game. For when you can't manage to figure out how something works, the Shbook and wiki can provide explanations. And later on you can unlock lore, which can provide the context why things are like that... or just make things even more odd :)
top comments
Wait, I need to reach level 25 of the basic upgrade to be able to do anything else?
25 * 5 clicks * 5 second forced cooldown (lame) = 625 seconds minimum where you have to either pay constant attention or have slower progress with an autoclicker without paying attention.
The "bar of entry" to your game is over 10 minutes of mind-numbing time-gated clicking? Bugger that.
Click the button once, then open dev console, change target to the game (in chrome little arrow at the top), target is shgabb-clicker, then type in the console "game.shgabb.exponent = 10" and hit enter.
Buy 25 levels of the basic upgrade, then do "game.shgab.mantissa = 10" followed by the above command again but = 1 instead of 10.
Apparently at level 15 you unlock an upgrade to reduce the click cooldown ever so slightly, but it's relatively expensive and not enough of a change to really cut down the bar of entry below 10 minutes.
developer response: The "bar of entry" will be changed soon. I can't give an estimate of how many minutes it will be changed to, but it will be far more appealing to users like you.
The prestige resets your automation so you have to roll the dice again. Yeah, I'm done, sorry.
Not sure what type of “balance” you were going with this when you decided to have a whopping 5000 ms cooldown each click, is the game that fast to finish that you had to compromise something to get more play time? Also, the color theme is an eyesore I’m sorry.. nothing makes sense, a snot green background with some turquoise blue down the page, & dark blue UI with a touch of yellow here and there.
C’mon, this needs an overhaul ASAP!
developer response: The game is not fast to finish, and you can get a really short click cooldown after HMS 1000. This is not the first incremental where you have to wait over a second between clicks. 5s for 100 currency or 0.05s for 1 currency are the same thing, except the first is far less exhausting as it takes less clicks. As for the UI, I will take a look at the color combinations. But people liked the colors up to now.
Thanks gamedev for putting your back into making this game based on the feedback to make it more appealing to us. We might not say it but we really appreciate it thank you
Yeah, I tried, I really did, but after spending about 10 minutes clicking the same button once every 5 seconds and then upgrading once every 5 clicks, only to unlock a feature that told me about all the features I don't have and seemingly nothing else, and then learning through the wiki that the next bit of gameplay is to do that same process again for the same amount of time... this is, uh, not a good introduction to the game.
I don't want to have to break out an autoclicker this early. It feels bad, but I'm not having fun and I want to get to the part that is fun.
developer response: replying to your 3 comments in one now; the list of features motivates new players by showing them what they can work for. That's why it's unlocked so early. I understand your criticism that the early game is repetitive and slow - I will tweak it a bit in the soon-coming update. For most of the game's existence it only had a couple of players and they enjoyed all stages of balance, the UI and everything else. It's not a surprise to me that the feedback on galaxy is different, as it's a much larger audience, and also a more modern one - what people want to see in an idle/clicker game has changed a lot in the past few years. This isn't a bad thing, it lets me gather more nuanced thoughts and polish the game's existing content. I will focus a bit on the early stuff now, so that more people can experience the feature-heavy midgame. I hope that people who were interested but turned off by the slow start will give it another chance then. I also removed the "idle" tag, because I realized, while some parts can be idled it is mostly active. Sorry. Thanks for being the kindest critic :)