Dungeon Team

67 ratings
Posted February 15, 2025. Updated February 16, 2025. Played 1071 times for a total of 1304 hours.
Prepare to dive into dark dungeons and face waves of monsters, or test your mettle against other heroes in PvP duels to the death -- all in an art style harkening to the days of ASCII graphics.
Dungeon Team is a f2p turn-based tactics team builder where you create squads of heroes, assembled from 11 different classes. You'll send them to explore the Caverns, lay waste to enemies, and loot treasures & gear in a PvE idle dungeon crawler. When you're ready, you can go against other players in rolling 24-hour async tournaments as well as live, manually controlled Arena matches.
Each of the 3 game mods has as submode for squads of 1, 2, 3, 5, or 7 heroes. Glory, riches and bragging rights await the victors! Level your team of heroes up with 11 different classes and 8 mix-&-match skill trees. You'll equip them with gear dropped by monsters, awarded for PvP tournaments, or granted by the gods. Let's take a deeper look at Dungeon Team's 4 different game modes:
The Arena is the place where your heroes smash, shoot, stun, scare, bleed, poison, scorch, freeze, and shock their opponents into submission. It offers live PvP matches where you have direct control over your team in real-time – a little like a game of blitz chess. You will be rated and ranked on an Elo system to ensure fair matchmaking. And defeating human enemies will get you better loot and more experience!
The Inn is an asynchronous auto-battle multiplayer game mode where you'll send your squads into battles with both parties controlled by AI. Players are organized into 24-hour tournaments where your goal is to gain as many peanuts as possible. Defeating an opponent's defense squad means stealing 10% of their peanut stash, as well as swapping tournament ranks with them (where higher ranks mean more passive peanut gains). If you gain enough peanuts you can rise to the next tournament tier, or maintain your tier. Lose out, however, and you could drop down in tier. Let's have a pint of ale, warm our feet by the fire and enjoy some nice trash talking in the in-game chat while watching our toons duke it out!
The Caverns is an idle dungeon crawler where your teams of heroes explore a procedurally generated dungeon in search of treasure and fame. You’ll fight incrementally tougher enemies the deeper you go. Caverns is perfect for leaving on in the background while you work, study, or play other games. Many players even leave it running overnight and claim their loot and XP in the morning!
This sacred site has just been found, and its secrets are still to be unveiled. Pray and offer sacrifices to earn the blessings of the gods!
newest comments
I'm curious about armor because it seems as though any class can equip any armor. What's the penalty for a Warlock equipping heavy plate? Or the advantage to a robe?
Airianne: there is big text right above the login field that says "Play as Guest"
wtf need an account for playing
Decided to give it a try. Gets stuck at the start of the tutorial. Mess.
developer response: sorry about that. got it fixed. thanks for the report!
top comments
For me, the login prompt is fine. My issue is the fact that it didn't even take me 5 minutes to find a 10 dollar microtransaction.
Why would you put something on here that requires a login? No thank you, dude. Very rude.
developer response: the "Play as Guest" option was sort of buried. made it bigger & moved to the top :)
microtransactions and a login system not using galaxy.click 's API?? no thanks
Login necessary, day ruined
developer response: made a change to emphasize the "Play as Guest" option ~ sorry for the confusion!
Check play on guest if you want to play