Under Pressure

40 ratings
rated 3.0 stars, 40 ratings.
Posted February 1, 2024. Updated February 3, 2024. Played 1528 times for a total of 726 hours.
Under Pressure
A Game for NYIGJ 2024 (2nd Place Finisher)
A game about oil refining, pressure and making money
Notes: Because its a jam game it's slightly unpolished, there may be some bugs and other annoyances.
Planned Changes: Rebalance resource gains for Residual Gas, and production recipes, add in game help menus and more money related upgrades.
All my projects are no longer being developed but are all open source and free to modify
newest comments
I left the oil on overnight and it led to negative pressure. With this negative pressure I then reached the heat of the sun :)
how do i produce residual gas?
the game just loads you in without any explanation whatsoever and introduces a bunch of new features and a new prestige layer instantly, please consider balancing this please?
My inner environmentalist does feel a bit guilty though! :P
A sell all button would be really nice... Also a bit more explanation on how to make asphalt cause I cant figure it out... otherwise this is pretty fun to have running while doing other things
top comments
I don't understand how to make asphalt, no matter how much coke and naptha i have it just shows "0.00 Coke + 0.00 Naptha -> 0.00 Asphalt"
developer response: Yeah I need to make it display the minimum when you can't craft.
hey maybe a tutorial? i don't even know whats going on at the start 😭
Here is a tip for everyone dont upgrade your kiln until you have achievement 20 otherwise it will be impossible to get
developer response: This^. This issue will be fixed in the post jam update.
Not a giant issue, but Kelvin is not messured in Degrees so instead of 273*K it should just be 273K
developer response: Yeah I could've sworn I fixed that display but I guess not -_-
I somehow hit negative pressure and am now stuck. What happened?
developer response: Unfortunately at the moment I do not know, I probably just need to slap a Absolute Value on the Formula.