ordinal gwarkup

143 ratings
rated 4.1 stars, 143 ratings.
Posted May 9, 2023. Updated October 13, 2024. Played 14322 times for a total of 26562 hours.
A mod of ordinal pringles, except the base increases instead of decreasing
newest comments
this is the first game in galaxy
Challenge 8 is dividing autoclicker output by 700,000,000 (base 10) without any factors purchased, nothing in it's description indicates this should be happening.
kind of strange to me that the original of this game was released later than this on galaxy.click.
also, c5's nerf should say "costs x1e10", not "costs ^10"
once you complete c1, you should be able to hold shift to see what your gain would be before c1 reward.
top comments
this is the first game
is it just me or is the game extremely slow
I feel early cardinal resets are too slow. The boost is not powerful enough to speed things up, and the cardinals distribution are random.
The psi ordinal rendering is a bit weird in the ψ(Ω^Ω^2) range
developer response: fixed
it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that overflow is in the hierarchies layer