I want to play this game

Posted June 1, 2023. Updated June 7, 2023. Played 638 times for a total of 283 hours.
Do you want to play this game?
Do you want to mentalize the idea of wanting to play this game?
Do you want to reify the fact that you mentalized the idea of wanting to play this game?
The game is currently very unfinished
latest update
Style and Machines 0.03 June 7, 2023
Still buggy and unfinished, but now we have:
- A new, more polished style
- More machines to manipulate items
- New items
- A sort of progression
newest comments
how do I get will?
a few things:
0. @moonwisp165 that's happened with strength for me, but not with mind. lol
1. autoMentalize does not give a 'mentalize' prompt when it hits, so it can't automate mentalization ideas without something else running (i.e. autoPurify or autoReify). (i guess that means you also can't automate recursion on mentalizing alone either) This kinda feels like a ripoff, but not too heartbreaking.
2. also, i haven't seen any automation for 'will' yet, which is also kind of a bummer considering strength is a VERY important resource that is kind of a pain to grind for, even with the other automations.
3. when i try to do an alchemind thing without enough mind dust, it consumes the other required rescources, but it's not clear if it's actually making the thing because...
4. fortitude's number is missing and many other alchamy-gained stats are not displayed in any form (p.s. not all tho, see below, but the ones we do see suffer the same symptoms as fortitude), but the fortitude variable does exist as i was eventually able to get the empowerer (which does nothing yet). Destruction though...
5. No matter how much destruction i crafted, i couldn't get the destructor. I have two theories as to why:
5a. The destruction variable doesn't exist (i don't put a lot of stock into this one, since i used the web inspector to peek into the code and i saw the destruction class' definition [tho i have NO idea how to view a variable's valuse directly with the inspector, so i'm in the dark about that part. :/ ])
5b. (this is the interesting and more plausible one) The destruction variable DOES exist, but something is unable to access it (either the alcheminder not adding to it, or the destructor buy prompt not seeing it), hence the variable's name not showing up in the pure ideas list or the unavailability of the destructor despite the fact that i KNOW i crafted the stuff enough times that i SHOULD be able to afford it.
6. okay, this just got weird (yes, i'm real time typing this thing). When i used the recipes for madness (recursion^2 OR recusion x mind), i don't get it. then i find the recipe for problem solving (recursion x thought) and it gives me madness. WHAT!? (oh yeah, i guess that's extra points to my second theory in statement 5).
7. also, i just noticed that the ingredient list at the alcheminder lists entropy despite me never discovering it (same for respect, oof).
8. 'thought x thought' actually gives problem solving as it said it would and now i kick myself for not trying the other redundant recipes (shadow x P.matria and shadow^2 have a similar relationship re. void except the former does nothing as far as i can tell; same for pruity/P.materia for divinity and will/shadow for evil). (see statement 6)
9. found the recipe for philosophy (thought x purity) and something weird happens: it does not list philosphy, but guess what else happened. thought and mind dust were consumed, but purity was not. hmmm...
10. What do you use 'things' for? (this is not a rhetorical question)
Conclusion: i love this game idea, but...
missing automatons = a freakin' nuisance /\ missing variables and displays = a serious problem :T
i kinda wonder if someone on roblox would attempt something like this...
developer response: The game is severely unfinished, I am sorry about that
Side note: is there a reason that it shows Mind twice in the ideas section? Not sure if it is intentional, as they are both the same.
whoa i love mentalizing mentalizing something
(ok real comment time)
Interesting idea, although its very... confusing to start out. I think a quick tutorial would be really helpful- or maybe I'm just dumb
At least tell us what mentalizing/reifying/pulverizing stuff does because I basically just pressed random buttons to get stuff.
top comments
You messed up somewhere. I am soft-locked out of Matter. I can't create any Matter from any source. I have 0, and I need something called Matter Pulp for the Matterer. Doesn't seem like there's anything I can do. Bad design flaw.
developer response: I got excited and published it too early, it's actually still unfinished. Sorry. I have put a "Coming soon" in the Matterer to clarify
i love the concept. i will come back to this once it's more stable
as for suggestions to prevent an early soft lock of this nature, i would recommend adding a way to gain mind/strength at a slow rate at first(and/or) a manual way of doing so and maybe add something to increase the rate of mind/strength gain
developer response: At the beginning I actually had Mind slowly growing, I'll think about it. Was it clear that you also need Matter to Reify? As for increasing gain, the Generators are there, do you think they come too late? Anyway, I want to find a way to avoid any softlock.
i got everything unlocked up to alchemy, got 100 pure dust and decided to not continue until the game is more polished. i enjoyed it and hope to see more progress soon. also if you would consider making the text outlined or larger/bolder, possibly just a different font, because as is it's quite hard on the eyes atm. couldn't see shadow or purified things' values, barely made out their names, couldn't read alchemy upgrade cost until i had my face inches from my screen. otherwise good game, excited to see more
Amazing idea!
However, I feel like the game would be slightly more intuitive if you had some sort of help key for the beginning, like "if you reify X you get Y dust" etc.
developer response: I was planning on showing what you spend and what you gain on hover