Infinite Button Simulator

176 ratings
rated 4.2 stars, 176 ratings.
Posted February 3, 2024. Updated February 8, 2024. Played 11776 times for a total of 14771 hours.
Because there is no such thing as too many buttons.
Works best on Firefox
latest update
Half-a-Collapse Update v1.1 February 8, 2024
- Added Collapse preview.
- Polished some user interface.
- Fix a few game-breaking bugs.
newest comments
The automation system pmo so much
how long is the game?
what does the "max charge block height" do precisely?
"please drag in one direction only"
love the interface and style, awesome game
top comments
automation is unlocked way too late, my finger hurts lmao
also i'm not really sure what the relationship is between this game and the other "button" games but they're all pretty similar? not sure what that's about
I feel like it needs more automation. It is, at least, where I am (it looks like theres more), just a "enable auto clicker and move mouse in oval shape" kind of game.
re Lustre & Entropy: so-called "button simulators" are an incredibly popular genre on Roblox. Button Simulator Level, Absolute Button Simulator 2, and this game are all attempts to port the genre over to webgames, I don't think any of them are copying the others specifically
With sigil automation, I managed to obtain an "undefined" sigil for the reset after Hyperity (I haven't reset for hyperity yet). This broke my game, and I had to pop the sigil from the console then export-import to continue playing.
Good game (with an autoclicker to press buttons) otherwise. I'm almost to the point (10B charge) where automation can replace clicking for progress, but not for token / milestone grinding yet. Hopefully going to get some 4-boost runes soon to condense my inventory.
One thing I'm confused about is Skill Level, which I had to check the code to see that it is [sum of (current max button level for each reset layer - 1)]
Instead of having the tabs in the middle of the screen like that, can you move them so that they're on the side of the screen? The long grey bars in the middle of the screen are kinda annoying to click on every time I want to change tab.