The Ascension Tree

70 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 70 ratings.
Posted May 17, 2023. Updated May 17, 2023. Played 2348 times for a total of 2075 hours.
A game with procedurally-generated layers on a prestige binary tree.
Made for April Fools 2021 together with The Paper Pilot (homepage).
newest comments
Cant even hit NG++++++++++ (NG+10) in this seed: 1064575290
i have so many touchablility points
My cloud save has obesity points 💀💀💀
Damn, I went five layers down before realizing it's procedurally generated.
top comments
This is a joke game that's meant to show that procedural generation is boring. It can have some uses, but please don't take it seriously. You can read my full review at
developer response: Wait, what, it has a TVTropes page? Whoa.
NG+--+-++-+++--+ achieved...
didnt even realize this was randomly generated for a bit
I loved this game so much I helped make the tree display on the left side 😁
tip: too many -'s = timewalls and too many +'s = overpowered upgrades but way higher goal and many time delays between upgrades