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Atomic Star


developed by

developed by plasma4 countest



106 ratings

rated 3.9 stars, 106 ratings.

Posted April 14, 2024. Updated May 13, 2024. Played 5940 times for a total of 4842 hours.


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Want a number to go up? Introducing Atomic Star: made by the creator of Time Transcending Clocks and with less text than ever! Create stars, produce vortexes, and enjoy a weird mix of The Modding Tree and The Clock Game.

latest update

Issue fix 0.7.0 May 13, 2024

Bumped endgame up further and also fixed an issue where you got 1,000 of everything on reload. Oops!

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newest comments

Ray-man countest December 17, 2024
+1comment score: 1

All I want need right now is MORE HYDROGEN

MobinGod November 8, 2024
+2comment score: 2

i guess ive ended the game with 2,166 Omegaquantum supermaker
its a very fun and easy game to play and with them numbers getting bigger and bigger....i love it

Maxalon October 31, 2024
+2comment score: 2

add comic sans

hampterss September 16, 2024
+6comment score: 6

Very fun game, had a blast, really fast paced and never felt a single timewall. 6/5!

developer response: Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

jammancannotplan August 25, 2024
+5comment score: 5

i think i have reached the end game i have

developer response: Yup, congrats!

top comments

Sovereign April 17, 2024
+21comment score: 21

Needs a max button.

developer response: Whelp, this seems to be a popular request for many of my games.
Now, you might be asking me, "Why do most of your games have very few max buttons? You've responded to other requests, so why not this one? It's pretty difficult to deal with."

Well, the answer is that my games tend to not use exponential or even quadratic cost increases. So, if there is a max button, then there WILL be, eventually, exponential growth. This can be shown (in this game) by the "Max all strange planets" and "Max all strange stars" buttons. You might not notice it at the start, but upon getting , it will increase quite intensely at an exponential rate, allowing you to get to above of both.

I know this can make some people quite mad, but easy clicking is meant to help. Of course, it is a delicate balancing act. (This is already in many incremental games: it's called "holding down the enter button." This just extends it to mobile and makes sure that, keyboard or not, holding down SOMETHING makes it easier.)

(Sorry I took so long to respond, by the way. That was a lot. I know my games have unique concepts in them that may turn people away, and I get that.)

Laniebird91 April 17, 2024
+15comment score: 15

Easy to accidentally reset. I'm blind and use a screen reader, and while rapidly hitting the spacebar to get hydrogen, I accidentally moved to the reset button. I clicked it and clicked where it says, "Are you sure?", without realizing it, and before I knew it, I was back to 10 hydrogen and all progress gone. I suggest putting the confirmation in a dialog with yes and no or okay and cancel buttons, so this isn't so easy to do.

developer response: Sorry about that...I've added additional confirmation and also made the "Are you sure?" text more clear. (In the future I might bother to make a setup menu and add sections)

lool8421 May 12, 2024
+11comment score: 11

i love the smell of reality breaking down in the morning

developer response: This message was brought to you by [SOFTCAPPED]

tylert528 countest April 19, 2024
+9comment score: 9

EZClickers seem to be broken, I've tried holding down almost every button in the game, but they all are going at the same speed...

developer response: Sorry, that's my fault. I should have fixed it now: just reload!

Mind you, EZClickers are a little weird.
The idea of EZClickers is that you have to get enough of the items by holding down for longer so that easy clicking with EZClickers works. So, you have to get 100 times the amount of black holes per EZClick for it to work with supermassive black holes. (Which is about 5 seconds, because it is 20 times/sec.)

It's a little confusing, I know.

Idkwhatiam April 17, 2024
+9comment score: 9

very nice concept!

developer response: Thanks!

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