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Incremental Mass Rewritten


developed by

developed by MrRedShark77 gamedev



401 ratings

rated 4.5 stars, 401 ratings.

Posted May 10, 2023. Updated July 31, 2023. Played 63575 times for a total of 150513 hours.


Incremental game from January 2021 that be rewritten in September 2021.
The game is about to lift weight to gain mass!
Get powerful upgrades to get more mass!

There are 8 prestige layers in the game!

IMR Guide

latest update

v0.7.1.6 July 31, 2023

Incremental Mass Rewritten v0.7.1.6

"Infinity Sunsets..."

  • more challenges, more upgrades, more elements, more rewards!
  • added new resource of galactic prestige!
  • bugfixes and more...

My Endgame: ~ee108,000g (>7,200 arvs) of normal mass; 28 Infinity Theorems; Tetratriacont 73+; Transcension 13;

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newest comments

Deeeeniiiiss February 21, 2025
+1comment score: 1

Darkness has such an awful time gate once you get to Dark Runs, it's literally just hours of waiting for dark rays and dark shadows, I know the 0.8 beta fixes these issues so your best bet is honestly just transfering your save over, getting past dark runs then putting it back in, since you get like 1000x more dark rays in the beta than you do here, I get 7% of my dark rays per second here, I get like 5000% per second on the beta

uselessguest February 19, 2025
+2comment score: 2

@thedoober im pretty sure the owner of this game made this game on roblox with the help of some others

thedoober February 18, 2025
+1comment score: 1

I'm not sure if I remembered this properly, but

bck356 February 14, 2025
+3comment score: 3

Just figured I'd note the rest of the challenge icons with weird glyphs for the sake of others' curiosity:

Now that I've finished it, I feel more comfortable having my own opinion about the game's use of timewalls... it's fine-ish? As a long term game I feel like it's fine for it to have those in general, it gives progression an ebb and flow of when you can just leave it, and come back to your pumped up resources for a rush of progress. It just kinda works in this. Doing that can also work if you feel stuck but actually just need to juice up more. This works best in the midgame, like the range from dark matter to corrupted shards, to me, but before that you don't really have many tools and idle pushes are all you have, and in the late game progression jumps become highly rigid after milling out enough tiny boosts to hit those breakpoints. It's not BAD, I feel like I'm making it sound bad, but it's related to what I think @Deeeeniiiiss meant by their comment; I don't think amateur is the correct adjective, I would simply describe the progression as rigid. I definitely understand why some would dislike this, uh, for lack of a better term, "level design" for an incremental game. Since it doesn't actually require understanding or mastery of all of the interacting systems, just keep everything as boosted up as you can and eventually the dominos will topple.

It does have a really good pace of Number Go Up though. If an incremental game has to nail something, it's the Number Go Up vibe, and this does it really well, at least to me.

incraldanerd counter February 11, 2025
+1comment score: 1

imr on steam real?

top comments

Ben May 22, 2023
+118comment score: 118

game gets unbearably slow when you unlock challenges, before atom

SirOxion May 28, 2023
+83comment score: 83

This comment brought to you by (SOFTCAPPED)

katakana1 July 7, 2023
+68comment score: 68

MME = Mount Everest Mass
Mⴲ = Earth Mass
M☉ = Sun Mass
MMWG = Milky Way Mass
uni = Universe Mass

pissmaster gamedev May 13, 2023
+65comment score: 65

this game sucks and i love it

developer response: (visible confusion)

Boardia July 6, 2023
+33comment score: 33

there is only one word to fully explain this game, that being fatass

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