Points Progression

Posted March 19, 2025. Updated March 20, 2025. Played 2218 times for a total of 3134 hours.
A challenging incremental game featuring unique mechanics and gameplay.
latest update
Bugfix patch today
Fixed a bug where points could become NaN, which could unlock content earlier than intended. If this bug unlocked content earlier than intended, that content will be locked again, just as it would be if you hadn't encountered the bug. I apologize for the inconvenience.
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Starting off with a huge timewall with the promise of "It gets more interesting later" isn't the most compelling hook to me. I'll keep at it, but consider why you're putting up the walls in the first place. Is the goal reward people's patience and dedication, or waste their time? Having to actively nurse it till upgrade 1 means it doesn't have the "set it and forget it" structure of something like Check Back. And not showing any of your unique mechanics till later means no real crumb trail to follow to get through that initial gate. And if that's your goal, that's fine. I just don't think most players will be willing to stick with it.
Right now, I'm at Reset Upgrade 1, 3.106kx best run multiplier, 30.01x best point multiplier, upgrade 245. All I can do is occasionally click upgrade and wait to get to the next goal to see if the next step (likely a few hours away) is engaging enough for me to continue
Two things: 1. The game reset back to square one when I tried to get the shortest run time possible. It's not great and I've lost most of my motivation to play this game.
2. If you close the game the run time keeps going up, however you don't gain any points while you were gone. If a run takes an hour and I turn the game off for an hour, my run is now an hour longer, but I still have to wait an hour to finish the run. please make it so the run timer doesn't keep counting while I'm offline, it's kinda annoying.
Having multiple "Time Spent This Run"s would be helpful with the other prestige layers
When u get points really easily i recommend turning auto reset off then getting max point multi until you get to a point when u can either get reset upgrade 1 or you lose patience and reset over and over and over again.
Interesting idea, played it for some what 12h, all I can say its too many time walls. And I wanted to continue anyways. But today's update made me unlock all content, lose all my multis, anyways did continue and suddenly after another 20 minutes, it resets again. Again, cool idea but needs a whole revamp.
Less timewalls
Normal Number notation (important)
Maybe "real" upgrades, because the ones that are now, are just automation.
UI its good so I would not change it.
Will come back at some point if this improves
top comments
ok when does the game accualy start. i spent 5 minutes clicking on a singular upgrade and theres nothing going on except for the 1M point super timewall thats right at the start for some reason
seriously needs a change to the number format i have no clue how close or far away from anything i am
"A challenging incremental game featuring unique mechanics and gameplay.". Is this April Fool's or something?
developer response: you haven't even completed the game
I played this game for around 2 hours, got past the 1 million timewall in 1 hour and 19 mins. This isnt a "bad" game, it just doesnt tell you key information. Luckily i read the comments first and blobdin mentioned that by clicking the upgrade, you essentialy "buy max". If 1st upgrade is 10 and 2nd is 14, you can click the button when you have 14 points and itll buy both at once, so you pretty much save 10 points. This is how you get past the timewall, you wait until you accumulate way more than needed for the next upgrade and then buy like 20 at once, rinse and repeat. After the first reset it gets much faster, my 2nd one was 19 minutes, 3rd - 11 mins, 4th - 6mins. I think it has potential, but you gotta give more information in the UI. As of currently, i dont even know where to click to manually reset the first prestige, i just activate the automatic reset and deactivate it instantly. Overall its an okay game, definitely less active than many other incrementals so far, but i havent gotten far anyways, so that might change.
3.8/5, mostly because of the UI and lack of information. It would also be a nice addition to have a place where you can see the formulas for the buffs, to better plan your reset strategy. It makes sense, since its advertised as "challenging", which implies that thinking and doing some math yourself can accelerate progress.
developer response: Thanks for your comment, I'll take your feedback into account in future updates
Unintuitive that you can get multiple upgrades at a time, but the button doesn't show this. Makes it much faster to wait for some amount of time after you can afford the upgrade. I'm very close the 1M mark, but underwhelmed so far.