Really Grass Cutting Incremental

248 ratings
rated 4.1 stars, 248 ratings.
Posted May 10, 2023. Updated November 2, 2023. Played 17222 times for a total of 48365 hours.
Incremental game inspired by Roblox game called "Grass Cutting Incremental" -!
I balance everything exponentially!
latest update
v0.5.2 November 2, 2023
Really Grass Cutting Incremental v0.5.2 - Lunarian TEST
GRASSLANDLUNARIAN!!!!!!! LUNARIAN IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!! - mere upgrades, mere centralizes
- fixed more bugs, and etc.
Endgame: show in options (spoiler)
newest comments
what i should do after crystallize?
I understand that the updated UI aligns better with the original GCI's design. However, since this is a browser game without physically moving characters, a tab-based single-screen UI would be more intuitive and easier to navigate.
Maybe it's just me, but is the currencies interface terrible to deal with? I can't scroll, I can't click outside of the window to exit. What am I doing wrong?
I really just do not understand the UI changes to this game, you took out the most satisfying part of the game and changed the UI to be 100x more unintuitive and difficult to get across.
Not only are you forced to play in fullscreen mode if you want to see more than a tiny bit of the screen, you also have to drag everything across the screen when you want to go to a different menu which does not work in a game where you used to have to race across every screen to buy a bunch of crap (and I'm not even mentioning the upgrade shops where you have to use your mouse to scroll side to side, what were you thinking)
Why the heck would you put a new prestige layer out of sight? I waited for grasshop to show up directly below crystallize.
top comments
a minimap would be nice
good game
touch some grass
very cool game
Game was "updated" to a much inferior state then it was before. You now have to, similar to Dodeca Dragons, push around the WHOLE board which is extremely bad. Especially when you need to do timed challenges and the numbers you need are slightly off the screen, you need to swipe the whole game over and over around because the layout is so bad. Many of the stuff you need to swipe for would perfectly fit on the screen if not every single button would be the size of new york and have a gazillion kilometers unused space everywhere. Also the game is now brutally incomplete and ends on getting enough rocket parts to do the space part. Also the dev is absolutely not communicating with the community, did not put up a warning info on the "old" version, did not react in chat to complains. I am really sad, it was one of my favs.
TO THE DEV: to balance out the fact that you can just zoom in the page (ctrl+ & ctrl-) the range size of the cursor should secretly scale with the dimensions of the page. This goes both ways- if you zoom the page in the cursor gets smaller, and if you zoom the page out the cursor gets bigger. So that way regardless of screen size manual grass farming is equally fair!