Browser Mining
45 ratings
rated 3.6 stars, 45 ratings.
Posted March 27, 2024. Updated March 31, 2024. Played 947 times for a total of 231 hours.
A game where you mine in the browser.
galaxy’s first 3d game!
Note: A lot of this game are still WIP, I would appreciate it if I can find someone to co-dev the game with me, especially to make ore textures (I'm not that kind of person who is into art)
Make suggestions and post bugs on the galaxy discord server for now, thanks
To do
- Replace the WIP ore placeholder with actual ore textures
- Onboarding tutorial
newest comments
i cannot scroll down the screen
Also your save cannot be uploaded so please fix this
this game cannot be saved on my iPadOS devices
it will not load.
im also now so great at art but i dunno
top comments
infinite loading in firefox until you go into the original site
developer response: Please give me details or the only thing I can say is "play on a different browser"
i would make the player 1 block tall, and implement a key that locks/unlocks the camera. other than that, this is the mining ever.
So I got a fatal error has occurred message only 30 minutes into playing this game.
developer response: Send the error to me
nice for the first 3d game, but in the future im hoping for a way to like make your cursor stuck to the middle of the screen and move without the RMB so you dont have to worry about holding the right mouse button and dragging everytime you want to turn
oi it's stuck on "loading save,", love. -_-