Orb idle

Posted June 20, 2024. Updated June 29, 2024. Played 1787 times for a total of 1370 hours.
Ver 1.3.4
Wait for orbs to bounce, get money and buy more orbs
You can click (no cooldown) to gain 1 money (has cooldown) and change the direction of orbs. (also has cooldown)
Remember, KEEP YOUR SAVE DATA SAFE! If you lose it, you lose ALL your progress.
(Note: If your experiencing lag, try turning off the clone trail for orbs (Recommended), and if you find ANY bugs please tell in the comments, thanks!)
Update log:
Ver 1.0: Game released
Ver 1.1: Sounds + Pages and New orb
Ver 1.1.1: Changed a few things like Orb 4's cost and fixed some bugs, Also added a "Refresh clones" button that refreshes some clones to speed up the game (I hope)
Ver 1.1.2: 2 New orbs, and prices now start getting more expensive every time you buy for preparation of the next update. (I hope)
Ver 1.1.3: Added Settings menu, Turn on/off Clone trail and Mute music option, Max levels for Orbs, 3 New Orbs, Music and some other things.
Ver 1.2: BIG UPDATE! There are now Gems and Upgrades that affect ALL ORBS! Oh yeah, there's also a new orb.
1.2.1: Save data. That's it.
1.3: Added CRAFTING! If you have the right orbs you can craft Special Orbs! These orb's levels can go up to [Insert Max level of Required orb x Amount of Required orbs]. So far there is only one, more will be added in the next update.
1.3 Ver 2.0: Removed crafting (temporarily) in favor of making the game look better rather than making more features and bugs. Its the little things that count, you know?
1.3.1: Achievements. Yup.
1.3.2: More making the game look better.
1.3.3: Tried to fix lag issues, hopefully its less laggy / no more lag. Added a thumbnail. This update was so little i had to make it a update. Restored music cause it just disappeared for no reason. (This is what I get for using a children's coding site...)
1.3.4: What do you mean i haven't updated the game for a year? Anyways, just some minor changes like different price scaling.
Known bugs: Lag issues. Lots of lag issues. (Fixed??)
Next update: Bug fixes (hopefully), New features (?) and more orbs.
newest comments
reminds me of another game that is really satisfying and seeing all the colors of this one is nice too. w game.
would be cool if u added some orb stats (like which orbs contributes how much and things) cuz we all love seeing numbers here
How do gems work?
This game is moderately fun to play, but doesn't have a lot of content, and you can play through it within the hour and are left feeling unrewarded. That isn't a sign of the game being bad, just severely unfinished. Looking forward to updates.
Just saying this since I noticed you're not hosting this game on Scratch: TurboWarp has a module for persistent storage that you can use to save your game automatically instead of relying on the player manually export the game that can result in progress loss if the player forgets to do it or accidentally closes the game
top comments
This game is moderately fun to play, but doesn't have a lot of content, and you can play through it within the hour and are left feeling unrewarded. That isn't a sign of the game being bad, just severely unfinished. Looking forward to updates.
y'know for scratch this is pretty good
How do gems work?
Just saying this since I noticed you're not hosting this game on Scratch: TurboWarp has a module for persistent storage that you can use to save your game automatically instead of relying on the player manually export the game that can result in progress loss if the player forgets to do it or accidentally closes the game
the collisions killed my wife