Abstract Tree

Posted May 18, 2023. Updated October 31, 2023. Played 2135 times for a total of 2860 hours.
Want a tree that only has 6 layers? This is the tree for you!
Trello! (lots of information and a sweet save bank) https://trello.com/b/kvFcstmE/abstract-tree
Inspired by The Tree of Life (by pg132), The Prestreestuck (by ducdat0507), Incremental God Tree (by Icecreamdude), and The Plant Tree (by Thenonymous)
latest update
Like GD 2.2 v0.22 October 31, 2023
- Added lore.
- Added another Power Buyable.
- Designed Practices' node.
- Added 7 Practice upgrades.
- Added a new mechanic to Practice.
- Added a layer effect to Practice and Wisdom, then nerfed Practices' effect.
- Added 9 Wisdom upgrades.
- Added a new mechanic to Wisdom.
- Nerfed LOTS of effects to prevent inflation.
- Added lots of softcaps.
- ENDGAME: 1e100 points
newest comments
Got 6 Learning upgrades, including 21 (Unlock more Intensity Challenges), but I never got any more challenges. Also doesn't seem to progress after the 6 Learning upgrades.
no offline time?
Why is there a news ticker but it doesnt actually do anything
successfully broke the game :D (got 8.985F1000)
top comments
It seems knowledge points are broken, resetting always gives 0 knowledge
developer response: Fixed in v0.21111!
knowledge points are completly broken making the game impossible
developer response: Fixed in v0.21111!
reached row 3, but most of the time was repeating same layers for a small multiplier over and over.
and now at 3 again: practice points, each reset 1 point.
it's an ok tree with many upgrades, it's just too grindy, at least for me.
developer response: Thanks for the feedback. Will improve Knowledge!
oh yes, the classic "it works in my computer" dev response
getting knowledge points still doesn't work for me.
seeing the petulant responses from the dev in the comments here doesn't fill me with confidence that it will be fixed either.
as it is, can't recommend sinking time into this.
developer response: Hopefully it was fixed. Thank you for the feedback. Sorry for the hiatus, I wasn't really interested in incremental at that point.