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Antimatter Monomensions

developed by Scar gamedev
rated 4.5 stars, 56 ratings.
rated 4.5 stars, 56 ratings.

Posted May 27, 2023. Updated May 27, 2023. Played 2099 times for a total of 3301 hours.


AD ripoff

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newest comments

aleks132 December 8, 2024
+1comment score: 1

good game!

Dark7 October 20, 2024
+2comment score: 2

the next update is always in negative 5 hours

quree2357 October 14, 2024
+3comment score: 3

2 AM was the end? it's a lot shorter than i expected...

jklw10 September 11, 2024
+4comment score: 4

is aight, took a few days to get 2 antimatter.

Termt August 4, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Okay... what's the deal with the 7th monomension? Is it just a huge timewall where you have to wait to build up enough tachyon matter so you can get a couple of infinity fragments to buy the infinity glyps?

There is no way I can reach a point where I get time dilation, and sacrificing is also not happening, so far as I can tell I'm stuck at a blistering speed of 1.6 tachyon matter per second thanks to a decent glyph. And I need like 3k for a single infinity fragment. Times 7 for the infinity glyph upgrade... 21k/1.6 = 13125 seconds? Which is a bit over 3,5 hours before I can even find out if I'm right about this being the way forward.

top comments

Mateon1 May 31, 2023
+10comment score: 10

Contrary to the other comments, I actually really liked the gameplay of the 5th monomension. It does need a bit of a mix of active/idle play, but I do think the progression is quite fun.
Tips to future players: Don't sacrifice too often, you can probably build much more sacrifice points just by playing longer. (My first sacrifice in 5th dimensions was ~1e6 points, after that everything went by very quickly)

AmogousSussy August 8, 2023
+8comment score: 8

I never found a game where the numbers got smaller besides m13n miniturization, overall pretty good

yeet counter March 11, 2024
+7comment score: 7

It's good but a bit timewally, definitely feels like a good game. Change a few superficial things (like the photo and description) and you would never know it was a ripoff. I especially like the idea of having the starting point get set back versus the goal getting set forward.

SlaXoriuZ countest May 27, 2023
+6comment score: 6


plus, you need to make 4 hour jokes in the ticker if you make one

developer response: no

Whatthesigma May 28, 2024
+4comment score: 4

Dont pirate AD guys😔

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