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developed by pg132
rated 4.0 stars, 73 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 73 ratings

Posted June 23, 2023. Updated June 23, 2023. Played 5583 times for a total of 16978 hours.


Grow your incrementy and unlock over a dozen layers.

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Pighouse tester September 5, 2024
+3comment score: 3

I've played this before, decided to play it again on Galaxy. My final time was 83h 52m 57s. Like other comments have said, late-game prestiges are VERY stingy on handing out Quality of Life. Origin, specifically, takes a long time to get to the point where resets are only seconds apart. I, personally, find it refreshing to have a prestige layer TRULY reset everything before. At the same time, I completely understand the distaste for it. It's very grindy, but I find it rewarding to slowly phase out each portion of that grind. Capsules, despite being after Origin, doesn't take nearly as much time, even if it is still really harsh in comparison to other games' prestiges. There's more content to get through, but the boost from your first Capsule is much stronger than the boost from your first Origin. It's interesting to have a reset like Capsules, where all the previous layers feel very 'nested'; while considering the QoLs you have from Capsules to all lower layers, you also have to consider the QoL you have from Origins to the layers before it, while also also considering the QoLs you have from Super Prestige and the layers before it. Reaching these layers for the first time in a Capsule reset still feels like a significant milestone on the path to your next Capsule point.
This is a pretty good game if you enjoy the section of prestiges where you work back up to your previous progress, each one going a little bit faster than the last. If that part is annoying to you, and you like constant NEW content instead of going through the old content over and over, then yeah, you may want to pass on this one.

unicodes gamedev August 18, 2024
+1comment score: 1


ashton August 4, 2024
+1comment score: 1

dude im fucked i got to shards and didnt read and no it reset me from beginning

ashton August 3, 2024
+1comment score: 1

nvm lmao i had to reload

ashton August 3, 2024
+1comment score: 1

why the antimatter challenges not starting? i press start and it doesnt say anything like exit challenge

top comments

Lustre June 28, 2023
+12comment score: 12

Origin really makes this game boring, honestly. I get it, resets are popular for progression in incrementals, but seriously, a full reset of everything and it's only SLIGHTLY faster than a hard reset? That's ridiculous.

MYSTICA1 August 29, 2023
+10comment score: 10

Beat in 478h 26m 58.21s. Overall, it's a fun game and a great time waster. Would recommend, although there are some slow parts. Origin/capsule also hit hard the first few times.

speedmaster24 countest August 12, 2023
+6comment score: 6

this is the part of the game where you wait

normallmighty November 17, 2023
+4comment score: 4

Game completed in 284h 22m 5.30s

Solid game, underrated imo. One of the better TPT games out there and definitely worth playing.

Lustre July 5, 2023
+4comment score: 4

I thought Origin was bad, Capsule is worse. No thanks. On to the next game.

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