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Array Game


developed by

developed by Demonin gamedev



155 ratings

rated 4.4 stars, 155 ratings.

Posted May 10, 2023. Updated May 13, 2023. Played 16693 times for a total of 44418 hours.


An incremental based loosely on Bird's Array Notation. Expand your array, reach unimaginable numbers!

latest update

v0.4.0 May 13, 2023

-Added separators, separator boosts and separator upgrades
-E now exists and boosts A and D
-Everything is now smaller
-Moved generator max all buttons to above the generators
-Fixed bugs regarding B upgrades resetting
-Added hotkeys to change tabs

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newest comments

yeet counter December 5, 2024
+2comment score: 2

comment on the poll: isn't it weird that the majority of players don't use array notation in Array Game? Like if you just don't care enough to change it then I get it, but chances are that the people who took the poll aren't those kind of people.

BassEater420 December 1, 2024
+1comment score: 1

once you get the game is basically done with how quickly the rest goes, but still a good game

kschwal November 13, 2024
+1comment score: 1

[26M] separator aaaand i þink i'm stuck

helloman October 4, 2024
+2comment score: 2

betray game moment

KananR September 25, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Ah yes, I sure do love playing "Hooray Game".

top comments

CoolRadGamer countest May 11, 2023
+30comment score: 30

good game

Pighouse tester June 10, 2023
+18comment score: 18

It's fun! Layers A through D are a bit samey, but each feels just different enough from the last and you unlock Separators before it actually starts feeling tedious. There's a pretty good blend between "you can actively play and grind to get to the next part faster" and "you can idle for a day and come back and still have decent progress being made" here as well. I enjoyed being able to come back every hour or so when awake and also coming back after going to sleep and being able to have something to do in both cases. The only times I felt there was a genuine nothing-to-do timewall were when I wanted to grind for more of a resource on prestige instead of playing actively, but those times were always choices rather than enforced. I think I'd rate this a 4.5 if I could, because as it is now the features don't feel quite as fresh and exciting as I'd like, but I'll round it up to a 5 because I enjoyed my time playing the whole way through. Looking forward to more.

Unstugen May 14, 2023
+12comment score: 12

So far a great incremental game. Progress doesn't feel too fast like in some games and its great.

arkhaic countest May 10, 2023
+9comment score: 9

currently at 1 B, will see how this game unfolds

HarryTheGamer May 14, 2023
+5comment score: 5

AWESOME GAME!!! Keep up the good work Demonin!
(also I'm harry in the discord server)

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