NG Space Company

Posted December 11, 2023. Updated December 11, 2023. Played 6968 times for a total of 10139 hours.
Incremental space game about resource mining, interstellar exploration and system conquests.
Posted December 11, 2023. Updated December 11, 2023. Played 6968 times for a total of 10139 hours.
Incremental space game about resource mining, interstellar exploration and system conquests.
newest comments
it's really cool, but it would help GREATLY if i could have multiple tabs open in-game at once.
Just curious. Are there any patch notes for this game? preferably not on Discord, as not everyone can access that.
This game has a mistake as the planet mercury would be the best destination for human resource gain as it has a lot of uranium, iron, nickel, silver, gold, tungsten and several other valuable resources.
The planets proximity to the sun makes it a great place for solar energy and sending missions to the sun to harvest the atmosphere for hydrogen.
You know it's strange that my game got corrupted when I had my scientists up to 18.4 per second and my research of resource bonuses up to 32 percent more per second. I tried to save it to a txt file and reupload it to a different browser, but said the save was corrupted.
This seems to have changed a LOT since I last played it.
top comments
1. Pacing is slow, and at the same time, the storage mechanism prohibits long idle periods. This conflict kinda ruins the fun.
2. The machines need to be toggled on or off. I just cant imagine an advanced civilization that doesn't have the tech to throttle their machines, and this is especially problematic because energy is scarce in this game. That's not cool at all.
developer response: With 2.8.12 version, machines can be toggled ;)
Ok, now the offline issue is fixed... But the fix is even worse than the old situation, when we have no machine toggle. Now we are only able to buy something if current production is greater than its input. This is a bad idea, because it eliminates the main use of storage. Higher tier machines are more energy effcient, so even running them part time is better than using low tier machines. And this is a main part of pre-rebirth balance.
I know there's autosave but I wouldn't mind there being a manual save button even if just for peace of mind.
Grown to distrust autosaves over the years.
I'm pretty sure there's still something wrong with several resources' offline calculation. At least: energy, plasma, carbon, hydrogen, and helium.
Besides plasma these all seem to be things that are consumed by other things, so my best guess is that the offline calculation doesn't keep in mind that the production is still a positive amount even with the consumption.
There is DEFINITELY something wonky with offline fuel production calculations, maybe with others too.
I check back in after a day and it's not full when it should only take about half an hour.
developer response: With the last update (a fresh is needed), this issue seems to be fixed ;)