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There Was Time Now

developed by pbrane gamedev
rated 4.4 stars, 96 ratings
rated 4.4 stars, 96 ratings

Posted August 11, 2024. Updated August 12, 2024. Played 2014 times for a total of 1237 hours.


A game about "science" and "time".

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newest comments

user102 September 7, 2024
+2comment score: 2

beat the game with 207 days left and I have a army of 2524 undergrads working on physics now

speedmaster24 countest September 2, 2024
+1comment score: 1

so update on my attempt to beat the game after I died. uhm I sequence broke EVERYTHING worlds went 1,5,3,4,2 in that order and every world somehow unlocked the resources in the incorrect order as well I got device 4 first and then the others HOWEVER sadly the game prevented me from starting construction of any of the devices so my progress ended

speedmaster24 countest September 2, 2024
+1comment score: 1

so then I decided to see what the death message is but for some reason I can still make progress so imma see if I can beat the game while the time is run down

speedmaster24 countest September 2, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Bug that happened!

so I restarted the game after beating it and somehow I think time ruptured because I instantly gained access to itotia while only having 1 physics

Randomguys August 29, 2024
+1comment score: 1


top comments

Lustre August 13, 2024
+11comment score: 11

I forget where I played this game before. I liked it, but it was short.

lolucorn1 August 13, 2024
+10comment score: 10

Just beat the game in about an hour with 152 days left on the clock and really loved it! great work!

CoolRadGamer countest August 13, 2024
+6comment score: 6

cool short game i had fun with the story

Termt August 14, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Managed with 173 days left.
Good thing you can hold enter when selling stuff and bribing people, made things much easier.
But who the hell am I selling loose packets of astronomy to? And why are they buying in bulk?

420 August 15, 2024
+4comment score: 4

managed to speed through this one with 190 days to spare.. I'm not sure if anyone could do 200 days and if they would I'd be amazed. It'd be nice to have a difficulty scale going from easy which is default (1 year?) to medium which is 7 months to work which is 210 (or 213 if you like to add real life months) days and ending with 155 days left from one year, hard which is 6 months to work, 180 (183) days which would leave 185 days this would take most players second playthrough and insane for just 5 months and 10 days to work, 200 days left on the clock.

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