The Void

83 ratings
rated 2.3 stars, 83 ratings.
Posted June 10, 2024. Updated July 23, 2024. Played 1526 times for a total of 537 hours.
made to make you feel the emptiness inside you.
Made for fun
Posted June 10, 2024. Updated July 23, 2024. Played 1526 times for a total of 537 hours.
made to make you feel the emptiness inside you.
Made for fun
newest comments
big rip could've been a cool prestige layer but no :(
Short, sweet, and fun, maybe make The Void 2 with new features and not just some clicking, I would like to see this expanded upon!
The Void 2: Electric Boogaloo
I love annihilating entire countries and continents :D
i already feel the emptiness inside me
good game though 9/10
click a button until there is no more button simulator
top comments
i love getting exponential amounts of nothing
just saying... in html, instead of making <div> with click event listener, you can just make a <button> element and it won't select the text when you click fast
I big ripped the universe what now?
Just click a button, then wait until your void reaches 0. Boring.
Here's a tip for you. When you have a click box in a game, disable the text select. It is verry annoying when it keeps selecting and unselecting every time you click.