Nolan's Button Simulator

57 ratings
rated 3.7 stars, 57 ratings.
Posted July 30, 2024. Updated July 31, 2024. Played 2375 times for a total of 1630 hours.
Click on buttons to increase your stats!
latest update
small patch July 31, 2024
Censored some news tickers because galaxy unlisted the game because of them
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newest comments
The first v0.4 beta is here!
you hid your github pages repo...
I got 4 bil infinity points
Sorry guys for the LONG wait, I am working on v0.4 and the progression system is being rewroked from the ground up, with Tetr, and softcaps, done reworking the first stage and going on to infinity, then the endgame so far would probably be in the Infinity layer.
developer response: also testing server is literally broken do not play
I have TMi ultra rebirths, rank 1e308 and 5000 errors in the console, yet no infinity points this game is impossible
top comments
PLEASE give this game hotkeys. Getting to press R to rank up and pressing T to tier up would make doing so much faster.
similar to the button simulator games on roblox, it's pretty bland for a start
though it is one of the better button ones i've seen, can't wait to see this expanded in the near future
needs some early-game automaion
So is this like a mashup of Button Simulator with IMR or Distance?
developer response: yeah I guess
Game's pretty good for a button simulator. It'd be great if the popup for ranks/tiers wasn't through the browser though, since that forcefully exists full screen. Turning confirmations off fixes it, but just wanting to get rid of that is enough of a motivation to turn it off by itself.