Create Incremental
developed by BanaCubed contributor | rated 4.1 stars, 131 ratings.
131 ratings
rated 4.1 stars, 131 ratings.
Posted April 4, 2024. Updated May 15, 2024. Played 13169 times for a total of 12422 hours.
A game where all the features are decided by some group of people. (I did the coding)
Forum with ideas: (I did my best to make things more balanced and slightly less confusing.)
There will be no in-game changelog as galaxy is way better at that.
I would appreciate it if someone would make a thumbnail for the game.
Bug Reports / Playtesting is available in the discord server:
latest update
Nan fixes December 15, 2024
Fixed a bunch of NaN bugs caused by getting the logarithm of a negative number.
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newest comments
How do you get Out of Order andFollowing Instructions?
bug: when i click "buy max power pylons" it buys max and resets literally all power pylons and your power except the last power pylon
developer response: yeah that's kind of an issue with my shitty coding from six months ago. sorry about that.
Great game!
I am commenting inside of the game what is going on
fix the 20% rb gain per sec not working
top comments
yippie create incremental
developer response: yippie
you can recurse in this game (go to and from the updates page linked in the """changelog""")
Live on galaxy!!! Let's go!!!
Clicked the Machiçne upgrade before I had e9, immediately NaN'd the money layer. Hooray!
developer response: That was a bug from my strange coding that I have fixed now (you might need to Hard Reset)
this game is a facade, it's not actually about making money, printing money leads to the dollar having LESS value! don't believe everything you see on the internet kids--oh look a money printing machine
developer response: the game isn't about printing money, it's about printing '$', a completely separate material used in the production of printers. the printers made with '$' do print money though